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Prayers and best wishes for both, as well as everybody overseas, sent.

We're able to enjoy our freedoms because of them.
I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Thoughts and prayers sent to him and his family.
He's home!!!

Hey guys! First time I've been allowed near a computer since my "incident." I appreciate everyones warm wishes and thanks for yals support. The story yal got has a few facts that are missing and or wrong but thats ok, we can set those straight.

First of all we werent out on a training mission, this was a planned, thought through real life thing. We had planned to go out with a few of the guys from the unit we were replacing to do a patrol of the area, get use to the roads/terrain. The entire mission was supposed to last around 3.5-4 hours with a route along what we thought at the time was an unhostile area. We were about halfway through the mission, almost to where we were supposed to turn around when our lead truck came under small arms fire(AK47's, RPKs, etc.). Shortly after I heard the firing 3-5 hostile popped up directly to my 12 o'clock or the trucks 3 o'clock. I immediatley engaged the personnel with my MK19(automatic grenade launcher) and destroyed to the target to the best of my ability. I had HEDP rounds which have a kill radius of about 15meters and a shrapnel radius of about 50. The targets were no further than 50-75 meters away atop of a hill. Almost instantaniously after destroying my targets, our turck was struck by an RPG on the driver side trunk area. The RPG made its way inside the truck before exploading, that's when all hell erupted. The blast was so fast I was layed out inside the truck with both of my legs completey numb before I even knew what happened. At that point everything was in slo-motion and communicating with my driver and commander was a b*tch. When I landed in the truck, my head landed in my 1SG's lap. As I looked up, I could tell he was in bad shape. His entire face, neck, and body armor were covered in blood. I immediatley began doing what I could to control his bleeding and keep him awake. From what I have been told we traveled out of the area in a hurry to find a suitable evac site. After reaching the evac site the medic and I began working on 1SG as best we could ....well as best I could....I still couldnt feel my legs at this point. After about 10-15 minutes of working on 1SG, thats when I began feeling the burning in my right thigh. I had the medic come check it out and sure enough my right pant leg was peppered with holes. We got me out of the vehicles just minutes before the evac helipcopter was on site. Doc wrapped my leg up where the worst bleeding was and we waited. At that point I was on the stretcher to be carried to the bird. When the bird arrived we realised our 2nd stretcher was missing and so I hopped up and told them to put 1SG on the stretcher. Doc helped me hobble over to the chopper and they got 1SG on board and we were on our way. I wont go into details about the medical stuff...(worst part about this whole ordeal), but I will say I had 2 surgeries already to remove shrapnel from my right though and close up the wounds. At this point I still have a nickel size piece of shrapnel under my right feimer(sp?) and no feeling in my right foot or right calf. I'm sitting in Germany at the moment awaiting airlift to Andrew's Airforce base in DC. That plane takes off tomorrow afternoon; then the next day I fly to San Antonio where the remainder of my operations and therapy will be completed.

Like stated in the other post, I've already received the Purple Heart from the Major General of the 101st Airborne Division and I've been submitted for the Bronze Star with Valor for actions under fire and for putting 1SG's injuries first.

Right now I'm in good hands and my spirits are high. I feel fine....well the best I can with holes in my leg, but otherwise I'm great. Looking forward to getting back home and having a cigar with you guys.

Again I cant thank yal enough for your support, and I love each and everyone of you. Hopefully in the next few days when I have access to a PC with thumbdrive access, I can post up a few pictures of my wounds and the purple heart ceremony.
I do and don't hope that this is your million dollar wound. Based on what you've said and how you've said it, you'd rather be serving with your unit. Thank you, Dave, for your service in this action, and your service in general. I would NOT have wanted to be on that hill with you behind the MK19! You're going to be fine, Bro! Cheers!
Wow. I got chills reading that. I hope you have a speedy recovery. Thank you for putting your life on the line to serve our country. You are a hero in my book.
Glad that you are back home. Thank you again for all that you did for our country.
Glad you're back and feeling....as best you can, given the circumstances. I hope you and your 1sg make a full recovery, many prayers will be sent your way! Thank you for protecting this country and your fellow soldiers. Get home soon!

There seems to have been a misunderstanding in my last post. I posted what he wrote, at the top I said "He's Home!!!"

Please don't mistake this post as me having been WIA. This is my good buddy, fellow botl, and other board member DHutch, David Hutch that I was referring to. I'm sorry, I almost feel ashamed that someone would think I was talking about myself. I can't walk in those boots. They're too big.

Sorry for the confusion.
Thanks for posting the update. What a harrowing experience, we are fortunate to have men, and women, like him protecting us. I'll continue to keep him and all his comrades in my prayers. God bless them.