Boswell Pass II - IN PROGRESS

This is set to land today...everyone be on alert! Two weeks to Christmas! We can definitely have this to the last piper by then!

I may run home at lunch to check the mailbox...
Your item was processed and left our XXXXXXX facility on December 11, 2008. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.

Here's the tracking info. I'm guessing it was delivered yesterday or should be today. On guard!!
USPS claims our PASS was delivered at 9:12AM this morning.
Check your mailboxes!
Just got this bad boy about an hour ago. Smells great. I'll try to find a post office open tomorrow (I know of one, but it's a little far out), but if not, I'll get it out Monday. I'll post here again after I choose.

Question: I've been reading through the thread but didn't see this addressed specifically-can you take a 50g tin and replace it with bagged 'baccy as long as it's 1.76oz worth and not crap?

Just got this bad boy about an hour ago. Smells great. I'll try to find a post office open tomorrow (I know of one, but it's a little far out), but if not, I'll get it out Monday. I'll post here again after I choose.

Question: I've been reading through the thread but didn't see this addressed specifically-can you take a 50g tin and replace it with bagged 'baccy as long as it's 1.76oz worth and not crap?


Thanks for the update. :thumbs:

Yes, I suppose that would be fine for no more than one of your P/Ts.

Thanks for trying to get this back on the road tomorrow, please be aware that LovetheLeaf has had an address change since the list was generated. If you select him, his new address is in his profile.

Disregard my last post, as I have selected bags instead.

1) Boswell-Spice & Nice (sample)
2) Boswell-Boswell's Best
3) McCranie's-Sweet Savannah

1) Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake (smelled so good I bought some for me)
From Stokkebye's webpage
Tobacco selection: A pure Virginia blend from the best fields of Zimbabwe and southeastern United States.
Tobacco cut: Rolled twist flake. The blend is handrolled into spun cakes, thereafter Cavendish pressed and cut – one of a kind.
Tobacco Flavor/Aroma: Lightly aromatic, with medium strength.
2) Stokkebye Bulls Eye Flake (2oz, to equal the Sweet Savannah pouch)
From Stokkebye's webpage
Tobacco selection: A blend of ripe Virginia tobaccos spiced with pure Louisiana Perique. The center of Black Cavendish smooths out the taste.
Tobacco Cut: The outer blend is pressed into thin layers before being tightly spun around a stick of pressed Black Cavendish. The result is a massive ‘cigar’ which is cut into ‘medallions’ and packed.
Tobacco Flavor/Aroma: Lightly aromatic, medium strength.
Recommendations: Most enjoyable on its own. Select 2 to 3 slices – rub gently by hand and fill the pipe lightly.

Tobaccos courtesy of Puff 'n Stuff-Decatur, GA (Thanks, John).

Disregard my last post, as I have selected bags instead.

1) Boswell-Spice & Nice (sample)
2) Boswell-Boswell's Best
3) McCranie's-Sweet Savannah

1) Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake (smelled so good I bought some for me)
From Stokkebye's webpage
Tobacco selection: A pure Virginia blend from the best fields of Zimbabwe and southeastern United States.
Tobacco cut: Rolled twist flake. The blend is handrolled into spun cakes, thereafter Cavendish pressed and cut – one of a kind.
Tobacco Flavor/Aroma: Lightly aromatic, with medium strength.
2) Stokkebye Bulls Eye Flake (2oz, to equal the Sweet Savannah pouch)
From Stokkebye's webpage
Tobacco selection: A blend of ripe Virginia tobaccos spiced with pure Louisiana Perique. The center of Black Cavendish smooths out the taste.
Tobacco Cut: The outer blend is pressed into thin layers before being tightly spun around a stick of pressed Black Cavendish. The result is a massive 'cigar' which is cut into 'medallions' and packed.
Tobacco Flavor/Aroma: Lightly aromatic, medium strength.
Recommendations: Most enjoyable on its own. Select 2 to 3 slices – rub gently by hand and fill the pipe lightly.

Tobaccos courtesy of Puff 'n Stuff-Decatur, GA (Thanks, John).


Alrighty then, thanks for the P/Ts. The OP has been updated. Is there a DC# for today's shipment? Only 8 shipping days left till Christmas.
Thanks guys for the stamp of approval on the puts. Basically, I was just looking to put something different in the box. The spun flakes caught my eye and the twist flake floored me with the aroma. I've never smoked Stokkebye, but I will hopefully remedy that this weekend with my personal oz of twist flake. If any of you come down to Atlanta, let me know and we'll stop in to Al's shop and stock up.

BrewMeister, I am sending the DC# to you as soon as this is posted.

And thanks to a prompt turn-around from TampaSupremo including a Saturday trip to the PO, this Pass
is once again on the move! Heads up PIPERS, any luck it will hit the lucky participant's mailbox on the 16th at the latest!
This was delivered at 12:21 today!

The remaining PIPERS need to check their mailboxes!
NOOO!!!!!!!!! I've been bombed... :laugh:

I just picked up the box from my mail room. I haven't had a chance to open it yet but I'll make my P's & T's in a little bit and update my post. I'll have this back in the mail tomorrow morning.

Things have been crazy around this area lately (ice storms, power loss) and this weekend my girlfriend got pneumonia... :( I've been tending to her and have not been sleeping at all lately...this package comes as a nice surprise during a crazy time.

Obviously due to her pneumonia, I won't be able to smoke anything anytime in the next couple weeks but it gives me something to look forward to!

I let my son pick the envelope, then promptly put him in time-out for ruining the contest for you.

I let my son pick the envelope, then promptly put him in time-out for ruining the contest for you.


Haha...I hope he learned his lesson!

Okay...I just did my puts and takes. Let me first say that opening this box is like the scene in Goonies where they finally find the pirate ship and all the is beyond glorious. The smell that is contained within this parcel has fully engulfed my apartment and all I can smell is tobacco. It is amazing.

Okay, on to the P's & T's!


McClelland Bulk # 2015 Virginia Flake - 1 oz
This tobacco is made from rich, orange and Red Virginias to which enough St. James Perique has been added to create a refreshing smoke.

McClelland Frog Morton on the Bayou - 50 gram tin
When vacationing on the dark, placid waters of the Bayou, Frog Morton prefers this smooth, rich, calming Balkan blend, to which he adds just enough of the finest Louisiana Perique.

GL Pease Westminster - 1 oz
Westminster: The very essence of the traditional English mixture; rich, elegant, refined, and exquisitely balanced. New World red Virginias are enhanced with a gentle caress of bright leaf, then lavishly seasoned with rich oriental tobaccos and generous measures of noble Cyprus mountain Latakia. Westminster is a satisfying blend, presenting layers of flavor to delight the senses and develop in the bowl. A perfect everyday English mixture. Full-bodied.

GL Pease Maltese Falcon - 1 oz
Stylish, dark and alluring. Generous quantities of Cyprian Latakia are blended with matured red Virginias, exotic orientals, and just a little bright flue-cured leaf to offer a deep, full-bodied yet silky smoke with an intriguing sweetness, enhanced by a discreet and mysterious spice. Maltese Falcon possesses an exquisite balance - a wonderful all-day English style mixture.

Esoterica Tobacciana Penzance - 2 oz Tin (56.7g)
A wonderful complex secret recipe of the finest Virginia, choice Turkish and Orientals and Cyprian Latakia, all hand blended together, hard pressed and broad cut into thick flakes. Long matured and easily crumbled to facilitate pipe filling. Butternut Burley - 1 oz
Butternut Burley is faintly reminiscent of Lane's 1Q or RLP-6 aromatic offerings, yet in a class all its own. Upon first lighting up, your initial surprise will be the complete lack of tongue bite; this holds true consistently throughout the bowl, as this tobacco has the least tongue bite of any any aromatic going. This blend packs easily, lights readily and simply refuses to go out. It burns completely to a fine, white ash, leaving minimal dottle to contend with in the bottom of the bowl.

Stanwell Melange - 1 oz
Black Cavendish, toasted Burley, Orientals and bright Virginia. Loose cut. Aroma: Apricot flavour.


Freebie: Boswells No Bite Delite

McClelland No. 25 Virginia - tin
Dunhill Nightcap - tin
McCranies Old Master - 1.75 oz
Dunhill 965 - 1 oz
Stokkebye Bullseye Flake - 2 oz

I did a few more P's & T's than I had planned on but there are so many tobaccos I couldn't help it. :rolleyes:

Let me just say that this should be called the "Cellar Starter Pass" because whoever ends up with this is going to get one hell of a collection or tobaccos! The remaining three people better have their mason jars ready and their pipes cleaned! I'll be sending this out in the morning and I will PM Brew with the details.

Thanks for the excellent P/T's. Please PM me the the DC# and the next Piper, when you get things shipped. Just a reminder, LovetheLeaf's new address is in his profile, should he be the next lucky PIPER.

Thanks for the speedy turn-around. Good Luck to the three remaining PIPERS!

The OP has been updated.