Been nine years now and still good info. Bump for a refresher to all.NullSmurf said:Valid 3 years ago, valid today, and valid 3 years from now.
souldog said:Greatest thing I've ever read: "Integrity is not a pair of boots you wear when the weather is bad. Integrity is an internal organ you can't live without."
That was courtesy of Neal. I miss that guy.
Unfortunately my offense was much more recent. I wrongly assumed pictures were shared simply as a means of gratitude and to show a little cigar porn for all to see. I did not consider the implications associated with its usage in order to profit from another botl. Thanks for the bump.kann said:Great bump. I won't deny I was an offender several years ago.
I still maintain that this thread needs to be a sticky up top along with the rest of the pass/trade/forum protocol threads.