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Bolivar Gold Medal


Growing too fast.
Oct 6, 2007
Bolivar Gold Medal
6 ½ x 42

Been a long week it seems so far, feels like it should really be Friday, but alas it's only Wednesday.   But hey, at least we're halfway!  The storms as of late have really been awful, and expected to have them roll through here, but thank goodness it was just some gusty winds and a little rain.  I'm home from work and after putting on something comfortable, I fix myself some Four Roses, then grab a stick to relax out back with.  I grabbed the Bolivar Gold Metal I was recently bombed with (many thanks Bill).  It's been a long while since I've smoked one of these and am really looking forward to setting fire to it. 
The gold sleeve comes off fairly easily, revealing a gorgeous Colorado wrapper underneath, which I would say is almost a Rosado shade.  It's silky smooth and oily, somewhat on the light side as far as the weight, and has that barnyard smell both in the foot as well as along the length while sliding it under the nose.  I punch the very nice triple cap, test the draw, and unfortunately it's very tight.  I can get air through, but have to toke pretty hard to do so.  The taste I'm getting in the cold draw reminds me just a little of mild black licorice, or maybe close to how black peppercorns smell.  I kind of like it.  
I squeeze the cigar pretty hard up and down the length before lighting and find it seems to have both hard and soft spots throughout, but overall nothing overly hard/tight that would seem to plug it.  I put fire to the foot, throughly enjoying the smell wafting up to my nose, then take several puffs to get the fire going.  My first long draw actually did really well even with the draw being tight.  Oh man, what can I say, there's just something about a Boli that hits my palate just right.  The smoke is rich and very smooth over the tongue leaving a long, delicious finish.  Tastes of strong dark cocoa, wood, worn leather and coffee beans with a perfect black pepper spice both in the throat and nostrils.  I have to say it's definitely pairing well with the glass of Four Roses. 
The burn is doing really well with a medium to dark gray ash forming that falls off right at an inch in.  I keep hoping to get past the part that's got the draw tight as it would really be nice to have it open up.  But, I am still getting a decent amount of smoke through, enough to still very much enjoy this delicious cigar.  Max (white mini schnauzer pup) is about to aggravate my old tom cat to death barking and growling at him.  He could probably eat the pup whole, but just lays there staring at him intently.  Too funny. 
I continue on with the BGM, and halfway in it starts wanting to go out on me.  I have to keep puffing to keep it going, which doesn't produce really good tasting smoke.  It seems the draw, instead of opening up, wants to get slightly tighter.  Hoping the final third does better.
Casey calls on her break between classes, girl is really tired after working a ten hour shift, then straight to school after.  Really proud of her as she's working hard to make a better life.  We hang up, and I pick up the Boli taking a few puffs.  It's warmed up, so roll it between my fingers to see if that will help open it up.  Seems like there's a hard spot right at the head.  I take a few takes and it seems like more smoke comes through. 
The final third unfortunately didn't work out as the draw just wasn't there.  I puffed and purged trying to keep it going, which caused the smoke to be bitter, very tannin like, harsh.  It went out with about an inch and a half left, and I left it that.  I can say that I did very much enjoy the first half of this cigar, which had incredible flavor.  Again, thanks very much to Bill for sending!



I don't know what year yours was Greg (Maybe Bill can weigh in), but seems like the three or for boxes I have had from the 07 time frame are hit or miss. They always seem to benefit from at least a full days dry boxing.

Gold Metal? ;-)
This was from a box from 2009, and about 1/4 of the one's I've smoked were extremely tight or plugged, the rest were amazing. This is one of the few times (lately) that I have had multiple plugged cigars in one box. I will have to send you another one, so it could possibly garner a more favorable recommendation.
I still enjoyed your review very much, as they can't all be perfect... Love the pets as well...
Try dry boxing for a day or slightly longer. Seems to make all the difference in my experience.
jfields said:
Try dry boxing for a day or slightly longer. Seems to make all the difference in my experience.
I agree with you, I smoked one and the draw was very tight, there was a hard spot right by the head so I ended up sticking a toothpick in there and it fixed the issue. The second one I dry boxed it and it was great.
Really nice review Greg!
Just once, JUST ONCE, couldn't the cigar taste like vanilla?
Nice puppy and kitty!

I recently broke open a box from August 2009 and June 2008s. The 2009s were exactly as you described it; great for the first two thirds and then they lost an extra gear in the last third, and got a little harsh without any complexity.

The 2008s on the other hand maintained their strength and resolved with a nice dark chocolate finish to the final third. So, just saying maybe some extra age might help resolve the final third.

Great review as always!