Blind Cigar Review - Pay it Forward #2!

I am eagerly awaiting the cigars from Andy and cannot wait to put my blind tasting skills to the test (hopefully I'll pass :blush: ) If its okay with everyone here I would like to go ahead and get the next person lined up in an effort to get their package out before I have to go out of town.

So, if its okay with everyone here, who wants it?!?!

We're still supposed to post pictures, right?

You got it brother, and to my knowledge yes, we are still supposed to post pictures.
Andy, I received your package today and what a great package it was! I will be sure to post pictures tomorrow when I can steal my digital camera back from the wife. This mystery cigar looks very intriguing and I plan to light it up on Saturday to see if I can figure it out without looking at the label!

Thanks again Andy!

Just so we're on the up and up here, I want to let you all know what's going on. I unexpectedly need to be out of town until probably Tuesday morning. So, I will ask who wants it, but the package will not go out before Tuesday. I might not have access to the internet during this 'away' time. Thanks guys.

BTW everything is OK, it's not a bad trip. Those bad trips all happened in college!

So, who wants it?
Alright Brandon, I was able to drop your package off at USPS today, here is your DC - 01038555749545205080.

Here are a few pics of the bounty I received from Andy, can't wait to light up the mystery stick and give it a whirl!




Apologies for the pictures, they were taken from my phone because the wife didn't leave the digital camera at home like I had asked her to! :angry:
Alright gents, I've heard communication is key around here so I just wanted to update you to let you know that I've been coming off of a cold and because of that I am worried that my already sub par abilities to review a cigar will be even less without my ability to taste! This cold had horrible timing as I am getting ready to go out of town tomorrow as well. Unfortunately I will be unable to review the cigar until I get back on the 23rd at which time I will do my best to give it a fair review! Merkin's cigars should arrive to him shortly as I sent them off on Friday. Thank you for understanding and I apologize for what will be a very delayed review. :blush:

OK, since no one else is stepping up I will take some so that it can keep moving. It might be a little slow on review, but I got it.

Pass has been recieved. I will post pictures tonight or tmw. So who wants some?
Damn Ed, you really put an end to this thread. Apparently, these guys don't know how you roll. :laugh: