Jeff also there will be an envelope of some sort in the package. Do not open that till you complete your review and have made a guess. That will have the cigar band and info in it so you don't want to know till you are done smoking. Watch mine or chiefs recent blind video reviews and it may help you a little more.
Good luck and Chief go easy on him its his first time... :laugh:
One other thing once you get the pass you are responsible for keeping it going and keeping this thread topped till some one take it from you and at the point you send a similar package to them and one cigar being the blind with the band and description in a sealed envelope.
Ya I know that part haha thanks for the reminder. I guess I was just messed up on the jumping in part. As I said I read the rules a few times and went for it. I guess
I screwed up where is said. Whenever someone asks who wants it.
Thanks guys. Cant wait to play. Newb or not
ill so my best. Haha thanks for letting me join in.