....that is just so wrong on so many levels....
So Wkoti come home from college, with a bartenders license. Since he is not a big drinker (like not at all) he announces one day over a cigar that he wants to try a Whisky and Coke. I told him he should try one. So he gets up and makes himself one now that he is all edumacated and all. He takes a pull from the drink and makes a sour face. Happens to all of us on the first drink so I think nothing of it. He takes another drink and states this drink is bad. I say give it to me and i try it. He's right, it is bad! I ask what whiskey he used to which he replies Johnny Walker black. WHA WHA What???? ??? JW Black. I ask why he used that to which he says "it said whiskey on the bottle". :angry:
Buy him books and send him to school, Jeez!![]()
Actually this may be why Souldog wants to punch him in the face, I know I did. JW Black, really, next to the VO, Crown, or any other crappy mixer.
He will be going to Whiskey hell for this I am sure!
So Wkoti come home from college, with a bartenders license. Since he is not a big drinker (like not at all) he announces one day over a cigar that he wants to try a Whisky and Coke. I told him he should try one. So he gets up and makes himself one now that he is all edumacated and all. He takes a pull from the drink and makes a sour face. Happens to all of us on the first drink so I think nothing of it. He takes another drink and states this drink is bad. I say give it to me and i try it. He's right, it is bad! I ask what whiskey he used to which he replies Johnny Walker black. WHA WHA What???? ??? JW Black. I ask why he used that to which he says "it said whiskey on the bottle". :angry:
Buy him books and send him to school, Jeez!![]()
Actually this may be why Souldog wants to punch him in the face, I know I did. JW Black, really, next to the VO, Crown, or any other crappy mixer.
He will be going to Whiskey hell for this I am sure!
I've never had scotch and coke but I've tried Johnnie Red and ginger ale. I'm not big on mixed drinks, but it was pretty good. I've also had bourbon and coke which was cool too. Nothing wrong with mixing whisk(e)y and soda. Hell, that's what the cheap stuff is for!
A whiskey sour made with Maker's Mark is sublime.
I have some JW Black in my cabinet, but it tastes pretty bad compared to the single malts. I got started with Glemorangie and Macallan, so my palate is spoiled.