I'm very arachnophobic and if I saw a black widow crawling on my hand, I would have simply shat myself. :laugh:
Geez...didn't realize we had so many girls on this board. :sign:
Spiders and Snakes....... NO THANKS!
Holy schnit Rod....I would have freaked out like a girly wuss and been jumping around screaming. LOL. I hate big nasty spiders!
Although the brown recluse is said live here, I've never seen one up close, usually the girls in the house call me to squish them.
We do have cane spiders which, in their normal resting position are as large as a can of tuna, are timid and do not bite. They do scare the hell out of you when you drop your pants to crap and when you look up they're in the corner looking at you. I've never felt so defenseless in my life until that moment. :blush:
We do have cane spiders which, in their normal resting position are as large as a can of tuna, are timid and do not bite. They do scare the hell out of you when you drop your pants to crap and when you look up they're in the corner looking at you. I've never felt so defenseless in my life until that moment. :blush:
We do have cane spiders which, in their normal resting position are as large as a can of tuna, are timid and do not bite. They do scare the hell out of you when you drop your pants to crap and when you look up they're in the corner looking at you. I've never felt so defenseless in my life until that moment. :blush:
I can handle brown recluses and black widows. Something that big would have me running the hell out of there.