The box is still in good shape and the contents arrived intact. However, the lid on the tupper had popped open. The top of the tupper is a little bigger than the box is. Fortunately, the sealed bag inside it with the water pillow remained sealed.
All the cigars were checked against the list and they matched the paperwork and each cigar looked to be in great shape. No baggies were opened for inspection. As CC86 mentioned, new cigar baggies are limited. Being a newb to this, of course I have none to add. I re-used some and over-wrote the numbers. I also left the baggies from my takes. Not so elegant, but...
When I re-packed the box, I added some more bubble wrap. The cigars and tupper don't move but some of the freebies still rattle a bit. BTW, I grabbed a deck of cards. I don't remember whether any models were left...I was focused on the sticks!
Printed a label using USPS Priority Mail Click-N-Ship and scheduled pick-up for the morning.
Mephiston said he's ready so:
DC# 0103 8555 7492 1595 7325
Flying to you Todd!!!
I think I've learned a lot from my first pass.
Bilder, Thank You for letting me play! :thumbs:
Cheers and Flying The Friendly Skies,