A new development!
The clubhouse where you guys were going to park is owned by the property owners on Leesville lake and thus is available to rent; the president is my neighbor and favorite hillbilly

We were talking last night about the overnight (hotel) guests staying at the clubhouse, saving money, and no driving after drinking. Then we talked about having the HERF at the clubhouse.......this makes a lot of sense......here's the details.
The clubhouse is a large block building with a huge kitchen, hot and cold water (no bathroom) large ball room type open area, two refrigerators, pool table, and tables and chairs, and two
OUTHOUSES. There is a pavilion outside with concrete floor and roof where we can build a huge fire in the pig cooker if it's bad weather or roll the pig cooker outside and hang out there.
The daily rental is $75 and if split by the hotel guests would save the hotel guests a bunch of money and provide us a bigger place and we won't have to worry about the muddy quagmire that is developing at my cabin from this early thaw.
I don't know how many guys are staying at the hotel Friday night and Saturday night but this could lower their cost to $10-$15 per person per night as opposed to $90. It would require cots, sleeping bags, air mattresses, etc and tolerance of an outhouse but it's up to them......they would have to be able to cancel reservations at the hotel and not lose any money.
This would allow more flexibility in the daily events as we could hang out inside, outside, play pool, cook in the commercial kitchen, etc. It also eliminates the parking issue and the potential drinking and driving.
I am leaning strongly toward having the HERF at the clubhouse for a lot of reasons, the overnight accommodations is up to you guys.
What do you think?
Edited to add:
Henry, the president and my favorite hillbilly, has offered (in exchange for a case of Heineken) to cook breakfast at the clubhouse for all of us on Sunday morning to send you off with a full belly ......you decide.