Bhut Jolokia Ghost Pepper Sauce!


Snowman Cage Inventor
Aug 13, 2007
I was able to harvest about 1.5 pounds of ghost peppers a couple days ago. The weather has been crap and I might lose 90% of my peppers if they don't ripen in the next month.

I took the peppers and I made a batch of my hot sauce. The fumes from the boiling vinegar were so potent they were starting to come through the P-100 filters on my respirator (which are rated for acid gasses)! It's gonna be good hot sauce! :D

My glasses and respirator:

Ghost peppers:

They are evil looking!

Ghost peppers sliced up in the food processor:

I had to boil the vinegar and peppers outside to avoid gassing out my house:

Boiling ghost peppers and vinegar!

All blended and ready to go into the fridge for a month before being strained:

After blending it I got a little over a liter of sauce, so after its strained I'll probably get a pint of sauce. BUT DAMN IT'S GOOD!
I want to try some! Looks pretty outstanding!

Is it simply freakin hot or does it actually have a good flavor to it as well?
That looks pretty tasty. I may have to discuss growing peppers and what not at my sister's place. She has like 1 acre of land that she doesn't use at all. Hmm...A garden of peppers next year. Yummy times as I'm sure she would let me use it. :D
It's not only ridiculously hot, it has a great fruity flavor. If you can stand the heat it's a very good sauce to put on all kinds of stuff (sandwiches, mexican food, bbq sauces). Hopefully the growing season is longer next year so I can get more.
They have amazing flavor but are absurdly hot. Seriously. They will make you very sad the next day
Cool my dad just gought some seeds online and we are going to grow them next year.
The history of these pepers are pretty F'ing amazing.
They are very dangerous
Audacity: A Californian bitchn' about the shortness of his growing season.

I'd trade for a 50ml mini of some. I was thinking about planting one next year to go with the habaneros and jalapenos.