Better to have love and lost....


The Dude Abides
Jun 22, 2011
....or so they say.  :rolleyes:  I just wanted to take a moment to share a little with you all, some recent revelations me and my girlfriend have come to embrace.
After eight long years of a serious relationship, we have to decided to face the facts that we have just grown apart. We met when we were just turning that cusp of our teens into our twenties. We became friends, later became roommates, evolved into lovers, and eventually grown into homeownership with a dog and cat. With my 30th birthday in just 10 days, we spent most of my 20s together. We shared many laughs, smiles, and great conversations. Yet, the love that had grown for each other, kept us from facing the truth. That for the past few years - the passion was gone. It's hard to explain, the hurt one feels from realizing that you just are better off not in a relationship to prevent hurting each other any more. I never knew it is possible to love someone so much, but not have the same views, or interests, or compassion. What a sh*t storm of emotion. Luckily, the saving grace, is that we were first, and always will be best friends. The past two days have been extremely rough, and I know it will get harder, but we are having a very supportive outlook on the whole situation, and shared many laughs last night as we discussed our future and plans with splitting everything. (ex: She bought most of the cooking pans, yet, doesn't cook. She is horrible at it. lol Won't cook anything but egg whites. I joked, and told her she could take the one pan she uses. We both had a good chuckle) Making the quick repairs to the house before putting it up for sale so we don't get screwed and hopefully the house sells quick. Not to mention that awkward feeling when the person starts sleeping in the guest room I know it is for the best, but it still doesn't make the move any easier. A lot to take in all at once...
 I just wanted to share this because I have a feeling my attention will now be more focused on our house,  relationship, and figuring this mess out. I know I probably won't be checking in as often for a bit as I do not have a 'smart' phone, and computer 'free' time will be pretty much obsolete. I wanted to just give you guys and gals the heads up so you didn't think I was loosing interest in the community.
Best wishes everyone
~ Austen
It gets better with time, sorry to hear this. It is a tough ordeal, I went through a similar time with my divorce. We are here for you.
Sorry to hear the sad news Austen but sometimes a break up is better off than staying together in a bad relationship.  Glad to see you two are still friends, that's always the best.  Let me know if you need anything and I'll talk with you soon......  :thumbs:
A tough milestone in most people's lives, I think. Hopefully, it will all work out for the best for everyone, including the pets! ;)
Everything happens for a reason, even though it doesn't make much sense at the time.
Sorry to hear about this Austen.  I guess on a good note, it sounds like the split will be relatively smooth for both of you.  You will still have a friend in her when this is all over, and you will always have a support group here if you need it.
Set-In-Stone said:
....I never knew it is possible to love someone so much, but not have the same views, or interests, or compassion. What a sh*t storm of emotion.
~ Austen
Sorry to hear that man. But these things happen for a reason. Learn from what you went through and the next one or ones down the road will be much more rewarding!

I just went and am still going through my similar situation. The house has been up for a year now and no movement. But also the fangs have come out too. So keep it friendly as best you can. But if I was to give at advice, and I never thought I would say this, but get everything in writing! Don't say "ahh I trust her it will be fine" people do shit things when their back is against the 2 cents
modo22 said:
....I never knew it is possible to love someone so much, but not have the same views, or interests, or compassion. What a sh*t storm of emotion.
~ Austen
......But also the fangs have come out too. So keep it friendly as best you can. But if I was to give at advice, and I never thought I would say this, but get everything in writing! Don't say "ahh I trust her it will be fine" people do shit things when their back is against the 2 cents
X2....When you guys sit down again, just get out a piece of paper with both your names on top and list who gets what. Trust us and do it.

Sorry to hear brother, sometimes the split will make no sense when you have a moment alone and you will think you did the wrong thing...and then at other times when you're busy doing something, the split makes perfect sense. You are going to run through a ton of emotions and that is normal. Just go with them but don't act on them...think first and process it for a while before acting on anything.

Time heals all wounds.
jfields said:
Everything happens for a reason, even though it doesn't make much sense at the time.
Believe this, it's true.
Time will heal... 
Hey brother sorry to hear the bad news I figured something was up by some of your comments at the HERF and on FB but didn't want to pry! If you need to talk or just shoot the shit give me a call you have my #. Like others have said time will heal all wounds and you will make it through this brother. May need to have a couple batches of "Turtle Dick" made up for the QSH for some late night bullshitting by the fire brother!
Take it easy and talk to you soon,
Hey Austen. Sorry to hear this, bud. Sounds like you're both being real level headed about the situation. Wishing you both the best.

I know we've never actually even met, but if you're looking to get out for a smoke or anything, let me know. In this weather I've been managing to get to Habana or Park Lane once a week anyway. Be well, man!
Tall Paul said:
Hey brother sorry to hear the bad news I figured something was up by some of your comments at the HERF and on FB but didn't want to pry! If you need to talk or just shoot the shit give me a call you have my #. Like others have said time will heal all wounds and you will make it through this brother. May need to have a couple batches of "Turtle Dick" made up for the QSH for some late night bullshitting by the fire brother!
Take it easy and talk to you soon,
I'm sorry to hear this brother. I will bring extra "Turtle Dick" and I'm also here if you need anything.

Sorry to hear about this as well. Stay positive going forward.
Best wishes Brother... It's been said but well worth repeating,
Everything happens for a reason.
If you ever need a distant ear, hit me up!!
Sorry to hear this man, keep your head up and stay positive!

Thanks so much everyone for the kind words, and support. It's been six days, and every day has been getting a little easier. I have never been more excited for my future and have learned a lot about 'myself' and started focusing on finding myself again. I have learned that no relationship is worth giving up who you are a person in your core beliefs and wants to make someone else happy. Being true to ones self, is not being selfish, and I am slowly learning that. It's nice to know that I have support within the community and hearing an "outsider's" point of view always helps more than hearing it from those who are your family and friends. Different perspective and not bias. Thanks again everyone...
I really think you're reaching some profound insights from this experience.
You're in my thoughts.