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best temp and humidity for cc


Dec 29, 2014
any recommendations  on best temp and humid values  for thermo coolidor ?
I like to keep my temps between 65 and 70 (closer to 65).  I keep my humidity at 65 for long term storage and at about 62 in my daily humidor.

BTW, that's for all cigars, not just Cubans.  All my cigars seem to smoke better when they're a little on the dry, rather than wet, side.
bill.u said:
any recommendations  on best temp and humid values  for thermo coolidor ?
Ok, so you don't want to follow the rules about grammar. I get it. 

How about following the rule about using search? 
Or is that also objectionable? 
Oi, I usually try not to correct folks for not 100% following the rules but you, bill.u, just don't seem willing to do anything within reason.
You ask a lot of questions and get answers. Why don't you answer my question and tell us why you can't capitalize, use some semblance of proper grammar, search, etc.?
Seriously, I'd like to hear why you, an apparent ADULT, REFUSE to cooperate? Your opening question is very short. Was it really beyond your capability to do as repeatedly asked?
You expect folks to help you but, you seemingly shit on our rules. I'm looking forward to your answer.
Hi  So sorry  never went to school to be honest lived in a remote village for along time, Then finally made my way to Australia , set up a few business and was very successful .
So thats it so I'm limited sorry about that is that ok with you guys seriously where talking about cigars and your worried abut grammar ?
Really anyway thats the truth 
Wait...So, you were a successful businessman in Australia after being raised in a remote village and you never went to school, thus preventing you from ever learning to spell or write correctly in any language, even though businesses usually require some sort of written communication in order to succeed? *Inhale* You could be a super-villain if you had a volcano lair and a cat...
Uh...wow. My bullshit flag is having an aneurism in my back pocket waiting to be thrown with deadly force.
Bill, I'm of the opinion you shouldn't be around a quality cigar, let alone an open source of fire, unsupervised.
oK SO THIS IS GEtTing DUMBi WAS GIVING YOU tHE bENEFIT Of tHe dOubt' UnTil THe exCUses StarTEd/NoW YOu qUEstIOn rulEs whICH havE BEeN pARt of THis CoMuNnitY since the beginning? You need to ask yourself why you want to be here? You are not the first nor shall you be the last.

Furthermore, you post things in the wrong places and questions that have been asked and answered ad nauseum. One word comes to mind when considering the situation as a whole. You guessed it, you know it and you live it.

We all have a story to tell and most of them are true.
You tugged at my soft heart until you totally ruined it with "seriously where talking about cigars and your worried abut grammar ?"
That is an attitude that will just not stand. To marginalize longstanding rules that were made over many years of experience is not wise.
In addition, if you have been so successful (congratulations) then perhaps you can afford to learn spelling and how to structure a sentence? It's about effective communication. Finally, You can obviously read. Spelling and grammar is not that far removed. MAKE AN EFFORT and you might find a warmer response. Thank you for attempting to answer.
Nobody is asking for perfect English, however basic punctuation and grammar shows the rest of the board respect. It's also a rule of this forum.

If you want to be thought of as an adult, carry yourself as one. If you want to be thought of as a child, continue to type like a 3rd grade school kid , however do it elsewhere.
bill.u said:
No worries enjoy your cigars , I do  sorry for inconvenience you guys.
Really? I done with this chucklehead.
golfgar said:
No worries enjoy your cigars , I do  sorry for inconvenience you guys.
Really? I done with this chucklehead.
bill.u said:
No worries enjoy your cigars , I do  sorry for inconvenience you guys.
Really? I done with this chucklehead.
Okay, now THAT's funny right there. :P
bill.u said:
Thats great smokes one behike  and thinks his a superstar what a joke.
That attitude won't win you any points around here.
oke&coke said:
Thats great smokes one behike  and thinks his a superstar what a joke.
That attitude won't win you any points around here.

That isn't the way to go about things around here. It's simply frowned upon around here to use poor/improper grammer. We understand that not everyone has English as their first language, that's fine. Please take the suggestions given to you and try to use proper grammer. It's a long standing policy here for a reason.


Damn, guys... give the guy a break, sheesh. 
To answer your question, bill u, keep 'em at 80% humidity in direct sunlight and you will be fine, but make sure you just keep them for yourself to enjoy. Happy smoking! :thumbs:
theorangeman said:
Damn, guys... give the guy a break, sheesh. 
To answer your question, bill u, keep 'em at 80% humidity in direct sunlight and you will be fine, but make sure you just keep them for yourself to enjoy. Happy smoking! :thumbs:
You beat me to it. I have always kept my CC's like they do in the island - at 85 Degrees and 75 humidity will no issues. ;)