We throw millions of dollars at gifted young men, add public adulation and star priviledges, and then shake our heads in disbelief when they don't always act like gentlemen.
Ben is immature. He has become a major source of embarrassment to the Steelers and their fans. He's been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion. That will follow him for many years to come. I believe what happened is there was flirtation going on throughout the night as the two groups kept bumping into each other as they traveled from bar to bar. Should Ben have been in the restroom alone with her? No. Did he rape her? Based on what has been made public, it doesn't appear so. I would hope none of us would be convicted of rape based on that evidence.
Maybe a fresh start in a different city with a new team might be what Ben needs. Trading him would not spell the end of the Pittsburgh Steelers. I remember when we lived and died on the health of Terry Bradshaws injured elbow. When the magic Mynah bird treatment failed and he retired, it was the end of the world. It did lead to a few years of losing seasons, but we survived. Football is a team sport. The Steelers are a great organization. This is going to be a very interesting season for us.
Wow, when I get on a soap box, I never shut up! :laugh: