"Beggers Can't Be Choosers" Pass

Hey Macattak...let me guess....you're a Purdue fan...right?!?!..it's just a good thing we don't play them this year! :D (or we'd get our asses kicked...saying under my breath)  If nothing else...we'll tailgate, eat ell, drink better and smoke a few 'gars!!  What's better than that?!(openning self up for more shots  :p )  Go ahead, tell me who your team is.

Actually, I'm an ILLINI fan stuck living in Indiana! I know I'm going to heaven when I die, because I've already been through hell! It's not so bad now that IU wised up and went for the high moral ground rather than win at any cost. I did have tix for the IU-KY game, but it's not to be. I gotta admit to rooting for Louisville b-ball this year...especially when they play KY!
Big Worm,

In case you're out there...check your messenger. Gimme a call at work. See ya.....

Sorry, guys. Been out of town the last coupla days on a business emergency. Will send out the box tomorrow. Most definitely. Once again, many apologies.
No problemo onmy end Wolfman, although I'm damn sure Floyd's been pee-peein all over himself thinkin' about those 'el deliciouso ISOMs headed his way!!!!

Floyd, check yer e-mail, news for you.....sorry!!!! ???

Wolfman2001....I wholy understand the unforseen emergencies. I hope everything has worked out for you. I do look forward to getting the pass when it's complete.

Big Worm...major bummer, brohter! :( I was looking forward to a mini-herf complete with a tailgate party. Oh well, I don't know if we'll be able to get together for a footbal game due to our conflicting schedules. However, if your offer of the basketball games is available, I'd love to go. Let me know. I'll let you know how bad an @$$ whuppin' Uk takes on Saturday. :p Take care brother.


Wolfman2001...is the box back enroute?!?!? Is IT! Is IT?!?!!?!(major pee-pee dan...oops! an accident happened! :sign:
Yeah, this sucks Floyd. I mean, how many da%$#@@3!!@@$ wedding showers can these women have??????? This is like the 3rd and she's havin another one next month. It's a frickin conspiracy!!:angry: :angry: :angry: Anyway, just put on your Florida shirt and hat and root for a winner!!!:sign: Hope you have a good time and I definitely get us lined out for a few b-ball games!

Later bro,

Big Worm...ya didn't miss much on Saturday....UK has a more consistent defense than they do an offense...that's the best I can say for them...The weather was great and the seats weren't that bad either. The only down side is they DON'T allow smoking in the seats. :( What the hell is that?!?! Nonetheless, my wife and I had a great time.

Now, to the IMPORTANT stuff! :p WHERE'S MY PASS!!!! ROFLMAO while peeing my pants! Talk to me Wolfman2001. Tell me Big Worm is gonna get it today. C'mon!! :lookup:

Take care guys!

Sorry brother, no dice today....??? Glad y'all had a good time on Saturday; we'll make it a POINT to get to a few b-ball games this winter though. NO SMOKING IN THE SEATS???? WTF??? IT'S AN OPEN AIR STADIUM!!!!!:angry: :angry: :angry: :sign: :sign: :sign:

gimme' a break. I'll let ya' know as soon as it gets here bro! Look for a lightining faast turnaround from me!!!

No dice today either my man....will let you know good news tomorrow I hope!:D ??? :sign:
Just got to checking back and thought I'd run the conf# on the package to see what the deal was and couldn't find one posted. As a matter of fact, I couldn't find a DEFINITE post from Wolfman when he sent the package. Not o say he DIDN'T send it yet!!!! But, I was just curious.....Wolfman could ya' give us an update please??? ;)


Big Worm...here I thought I was the only one jonesin' for the box :p  I guess not!   Thanks for checkin' though.  I'd imagine Wolfman2001 just got caught up at work or something...I'd really hate to have to go to Hawaii and find out whats happenin'. :D

Let's hold out hope for tomorrow.  Maybe it just got held up at the airport.(graspin' at straws here!)

Take care.


PS: I was just thinkin' the other day, "...boy, I've been really lucky.  This pass has gone w/o a hitch."  BAM!!!!  It bit me right in the @$$!!!  :sign:
:D :) :p :D :) :p :D :p :thumbs: :thumbs:
LMFAO, nope you're not alone!!! I just remember how frickin anxious I was to get my first pass back and am tryin' to hep ya' watch yer back padner!!!!;) I will post or call ya' as sson as I am able after getting and/or shipping the box!


Ryan :sign: <----I love this thing here!!!
You read my mind!  That is why I put this thing :sign:  after my name.


Thanks for the help, Ryan.

SKYDIVNEKD :sign: :sign: :sign:
N:sign: O:sign: P:sign: R:sign: O:sign: B:sign: L:sign: E:sign: M:sign: F:sign: L:sign: O:sign: Y:sign: D:sign: !!!! (READ BTL) lmao (HOPE THIS WORKED ANYWAY)

Ryan :sign:
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(


Where's my pass at?!?!?! I have my condom-catheter on because I'm just peein' all over the place! I can't stand it! :D Psychotic minds need to know......!!!

Wolfman2001....gimme a shout, brother!!!!


PS: For those of you who don't know what a condom-catheter is...it's a condom with a tube attached to it. You get the idea. :sign:
Hey Big Worm and Sky, many,many,many,many,many apologies to the both of you for the delay in getting the box sent off. No excuses. No bull. My bad. The conf. # is 0300 6000 0003 0273 5692. My puts? Well, let's see:

Partagas Lusitania
Punch DC
RYJ Romeo #2
Monte LEM Robusto
Partagas LEM Torpedo
Punch Churchill
ERDM Choix Supreme

I think that's it. Forgot to write down what I put. So, I think this is it. Once again many,many,many,many apologies to the both of you.
You may hold up a pass of mine anytime if you are going to put in cigars like that...:0 ..WOW
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Wolfman2001...all I can say is YOU DA MAN!!!!  There is no need for the apologies, I'm just hopeful everything is ok on your end.  :)

Your puts are AWESOME!!:0  Thanks a bunch.

Now the pee-pee dance starts again.  Just one more stop and then home to daddy.:D :D   I can't wait.

Thanks for playin' Wolfman2001.  Take care.  I hope you enjoyed the package.

Hey Sky. First off let me thank you for letting me play. Made good use of my package, so yes I enjoyed it. Yeah, eveything's okay here. Just a wee bit busy, with all the layoffs going on. This state is headed down the tubes.