Broham!! Did it ever arrive!! What a selection of beer. I am going to email this to my sister and tell that this is what I mean when I ask her to bring some beer back to Wisconsin!!! I still have goofy ass smile on my face looking at this picture again.
Jonas asked me what I wanted before he shipped... I said earlier I wanted to be STONEed and maybe an Alaskan Porter would nice... He chuckled and said he already had a fistfull of Stone and a 06 ASP pulled

Your read my wish list to the T, even the Ten FIDY. Never had it but been itchin' to try it. He caped it off with a nice glass and a Power Ranger with a smiley on it. I guess it's public knowledge those put me in a walking coma for a few hours. Like give a few rocks to a crackhead...
My wife asks me, "Why do you smoke those if they make you feel like that?" All I can answer is, "Because I need them."
Thanks a million, Jonas. You put the hurt down on this package.
Now, state your name and what do you like to drink