I'll sleep when I'm dead
A late withdrawal, one of my kids can't come but that leaves three. Bringing a cooler of beer. See U all soon.
I had a great time! Dan did a great job with all of the food and drinks. Dave did a great job manning the grill. Some very nice cigars were going back and forth between everyone and I also got to enjoy my CL & ML3's. :thumbs:
Special thanks to the manufacturers who generously donated cigars, TShirts and even an ashtray!
Arganese Cigars - What can I say? Always extremely generous and they have really supported the herfs from the beginning - Thanks Gene and Sandy!
Alec Bradley - Thank you again Lori!
NUB Cigars - Thanks Sam, very cool of you.
Torano Cigars - Thanks Charlie and Bruce!
Devils Weed Cigars - Thank you Luis!
Altadis - Thanks John! - too bad you couldn't make it - next time.
General Cigars - Thanks for you continued support!
Fishing HERF, this Sunday, or the Saturday or Sunday for the following two weeks. Also I am free on the weekdays but I would guess some are not. Just let me know and I am down!
Dave, did you get any shots of the chick in the yellow dress or the striped dress ?????????
Go get em Dan !!