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Bacon Turtle Burgers


Jesus of Cool, I'm bad, I'm nationwide
Nov 14, 2003
You'll need some good ground beef, Hebrew National hot dogs, sliced sharp cheese and half size bacon weave.

Make 2 wide thin burgers
on the bottom one place 1/2 long hot dogs as the feet, head and tail as shown in the picture.
Place the other burger on top and crimp to hold the hot dogs in place.
Place cheese slice on top
Place bacon weave over the whole thing and conform it to shape.
Place in oven at 350 until desired doneness.

Ready to go:


Ready to eat:

Not my idea or recipe but I thought you folks might like it.
Amazing, definitely doing this when we bbq for the kid's birthday.
That's awesome... I think the kids will get a kick out of that.
My guess is they call for Hebrew National because they're relatively long and thin, as opposed to Nathan's, and because they're Kosher, they have no filler that would swell the dog when cooked. Thereby ruining your handiwork.

You sure know a lot about weiners, Doc! :)
Looks good...and a hell of a lot nicer than cleaning a turtle. Still, it's a skill to have, I suppose...Snapper soup doesn't make itself.
Those are hilarious! :laugh:

. . . and I am so going to make 'em next time I have my grandnieces over. :thumbs:

Those are hilarious!

. . . and I am so going to make 'em next time I have my grandnieces over.


Kosher dogs are available in Texas? I'll bet there ain't a knish within 500 mi. of ya.


You'd be wrong, lol. We've got two synagogues in town and we're only a about 300K population wise, here. My endocrinologist is Jewish. So was one of my best students.

Now, as to whether they're Noo Yawk knishes, I couldn't tell you. I don't go places with that many rats and roaches.

Well, winding you up was worth the effort. That was funny. If I ever ate a Texas knish, I'd never be able to show my face in Newton MA. again.

You guys are making me hungry for some Schimmel's now.
I sent that to my girlfriend and she said it looked good but it has Hebrew Hot dogs and it's not right to put Jewish turtles in the oven, therefore we'd have to use the smoker. :laugh: