Bacon Explosion!

i saw that on another forum today. it looks amazing. i cant wait to make this also.
I will not make it more than a week or two without trying this thing out, it looks fantastic!
Man, just looking at that makes me feel like I'm gonna burp bacon up in my mouth all day. Awesome! :thumbs:
looks like a fatty rolled in bacon to me. They are tasty for sure.
Man-O-man, I can hardly wait to BBQ one of those fatties up....... :D :thumbs: :p
Damn ---- my cholesterol went up just looking at that thing. Got to try one.
Printed and posted on the fridge waiting for the first warm day.
So you guys planning on using Hot Italian or Sweet Italian Sausage? I was thinking of mixing it up in stripes...
So you guys planning on using Hot Italian or Sweet Italian Sausage? I was thinking of mixing it up in stripes...

I'm more a fan of mild versus sweet Italian Sausage. If I wanted to mix, I'd first try 2 parts mild to 1 part hot. Mix it all together,
then spread it out.
This does look good.
Holy Moly! I haven't put the cover back on the BBQ yet- I might have to give that a try this weekend!
So you guys planning on using Hot Italian or Sweet Italian Sausage? I was thinking of mixing it up in stripes...

honey-garlic sausage might be nice, if you could get a bbq sauce to compliment it ;)
Man, Oh Man!!! That looks like one tasty hunk o' fat! I wonder if I could do one on a Weber gas grill? ???
So you guys planning on using Hot Italian or Sweet Italian Sausage? I was thinking of mixing it up in stripes...

I definiely think hot sausage would make this tastey treat mouth watering even that much more........ :D :thumbs: :p