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Back to the Basics Boxpass

Ok the deck is done and I have made my selections. #006 Don Lino Colorado, #007 Te-Amo Aniversario, #034 St. Luis Rey, #039 Paratgas Topedo, and #046 The HUgo Ceasar spiral. The Puts are #101 Punch Cran Cru, #102 LaAurora EMS, and #103 Bahia trinidad square press. Also for you Dave, My favorite smoke the Paul Garmirian Gourmet.(That would be in the nearly empty box to say thanks.) I will be at the firehouse tomorrow mailing the box to Matt in Atlanta so I wont post until Friday the shipping costs and confirmation.
Thanks Leebo for the Phatty info. Now i know.

Matt? Atlanta? We are neighbors sorta.

He's in the other Atlanta...............I thought the same thing! lol

Hey FireMedic, Good Job! Glad I could be the one to break your Box Passing Cherry!
Perhaps we can get rid of a few more on Friday (your wife did tell you that you invited us over on Friday, didn't she? )

Don't forget to post the Delivery Confirmation # when it's shipped!

Thanks again,
Dave :D
Jerry...We will be neighbor's soon. Next week I go up to Floribama for 2 1/2 months...

That Atlanta, ILLINOIS.. LMAO If you're my neighbor you must be a farmer. LOL Actually Atlanta, IL is where my office is. I live farther downstate. :)
As a side note. I will be on vacation, leaving Friday and returning Sunday. No work or mail on Monday so I won't see the box until Tuesday at the earliest.
Matt, duh...silly me...LOL Herf...where was I at?

I went to school at SIU-C and dated a farm girl from Panama. Ever here of that? It's near Alton, home of Popeye. And of course I had to go to Metropolis and smoke one with Superman. Yup, Illinois is farm land for sure. Corn Corn AND more Corn. Or Milo.

Emo -Pensacola, FloriBama the bar or will you be in an un-disclosed location? I'll be in Panama City 3rd week of June.

Lee found a phat smoke for you - The Drew Estates "The Egg" full of "pipe" tobacco - Latakia and Syrian stuff.

Isn't "The Egg" from the Drew Estate's ACID Line?

Edited, Nope, My BAD, it is the Natural Line
OK Atlanta Illinois, so I am a little soft. Dave, yes dinner is on Friday, I heard you're bringing the food and booze, you might as well bring the gars too.,Bring Carrie if you think of it.

Matt, the box (really big) wont fit in your mailbox, leave an umbrella at the door for the postal service to place it under. It should be there Sat. PM. Conf # 03001290000518007619.
It was under 10 bucks.

Jerry G. I too attended, and I stress attended, SIU-C in the early 80's, probable the reason for my poor geography.
LMAO @ Dave and FM43.  

"BBQ Friday night.... great, you bring the booze I got the food and cgars"  Hhmmmm somethings missing  ???  

Oh Yeh  :0  ........... our wives  :0
Im sitting here with Dave, and he did bring Carrie, she didn't smoke though. We enjoyed fajitas, and some Black Label with some wonderful gars. Actually took a picture to post later.
Guys, if you don't know Dave, he's Ok.
As promised my friends, here's FireMedic43 and myself enjoying a couple smokes that didn't make it into the pass....


OK, can't tell in the pic, what are you smoking guys? I had a Lars XTC tonight myself, hope yours was better. Geez, what am I saying, of course they were better. :D
You may have gotten the wrong impression since we love to give Dave a hard time ( I mean geez have you ever read the rules of one of his passes ;) LMAO), but make no mistake he is "A#1" in my book and a great cigar passer  :D  

FM43 as the saying goes Good Food, Good Drink, Good Friends and Good Cigars that's what life is all about.

Glad all of you had a great evening  :D
Geez PB, I don't know if I'd be admitting to smoking a Lars on a public board!!! LMAO You need to ease up on them, your going to go blind.
Dave, if I didnt know any better I'd think you were giving us the finger with your gar!! LOL
Man, I was afraid someone was going to ask what we were smoking..... Jeff (FM43) had one of my infamous "mystery" cigars (i.e. something I won from cigarpool, that had no band, and no note saying what it was), he said it was very similar to a Punch. I, on the otherhand, had a "Dave's an idiot and doesn't write down what he buys" cigars... here's what it was: A. Fuente, black band. I think it was probably a Hemmingway, but wouldn't swear to it. It was one of those funky shaped ones. You can see as I'm holding it, the general shape, now imagine it about one inch longer, with a super tapered tip, the kind that you can get lit in about 2 seconds, and the cherry just spreads beautifully from the teeny tip across the whole head of the cigar. Nice solid medium strength, probably a wee-bit strong for my likes, but hey - good company, good booze, good nicotine buzz, it was a very good evening.

WAIT A MINUTE!!! I just did a little research, and as most of you have probably figured out by my description, it was a Hemmingway Short Story! Phew! Mystery solved.

Thanks for a great evening Jeff.
Dave :cool:
Ok everyone, I was just thinking about what a good time I had last night, and thought I'd try to share it with the rest of you...

If you desire, you may share the boxpass with a friend or two, to help introduce them to box passing, and CigarPass in general.  These friends, however, will be held to traditional box passing rules (i.e. NO reverse-ratio).  Take a few, put in a few more, preferably better quality (this should be supervised by YOU).  Let's not get toooooo crazy with "friend puts" so I don't get 400 back from my original 100.  Use your best judgement.  
As far as the inventory goes... if you can get them to sign up on CigarPass, use their new username and mark it as "Yourname - TheirName" (i.e. If it was Jeff and me, we would have put "DaveWF - FireMedic43") - otherwise mark it down as your friend.  For instance, if I was doing it, I'd have puts & takes under "DaveWF" and "DaveWF Friend1", "DaveWF Friend 2", etc.  Sorry if it's confusing, email me if you don't get it.
The only stipulation I want to make is that all "friend transactions" be done in YOUR PRESENCE.  DO NOT mail the box to anyone not on the list.  If they can't get to you, or you can't get to them, they don't get in on it.  I do not want to risk losing the box over an unknown trader.

Remember, this is not mandatory, but I highly recommend it.  You'll have a blast showing off all those cigars to someone that probably hasn't seen that many together outside of a cigar shop.  If it's absolutely guaranteed that they'll show up, you may hold the box through the weekend after you receive it.  This is the only reason you shouldn't be running to the post office the day after you receive the box.

If it's possible, take a picture of two (preferably digital) and post it here.  If you don't have online storage, email it to me at DaveWF@CigarPass.com - tell me who's in it, and I'll post it for you.

Remember, this is optional, but trust me - you'll love it.
Dave :cool: