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Quietly getting back into the cigar culture.....
Jun 5, 2007
Hey fellow S/BOTLs.
Been off the grid for a while, but I am back home again from what I hope was my last deployment. After 17 years and 5 deployments this was not only the hardest to be on, but also seems to be the hardest to come home too.
Long story short, I have issues….but I am seeking/getting help, so no worries there. after all I owe it to myself and my family.
Nuff of that.
Seems that while I was gone, and even though my amazing wife was looking after them, the humidity must have creeped up in the humi because a lot of my cigars now have mild on them.
I will have to spend a few days next week going through them all and sorting and tossing the ones that are a lost cause.
Also need to calibrate my hydro's and then the fun starts….rebuilding the stock!
Any way, just wanted to say hi, and let you that care know that I should be back on here a little more often.
Welcome home Tim I am glad you made it home safe and glad to see you back posting here again. Thank you very much for your amazing dedication to serve our country brother. I wish you well in your road to recovery. You are home just in time to enjoy the holidays with your family and friends and start to fill your humi back up once you clean out that mold. I see a shopping spree in your future. :thumbs:
Welcome back and happy holidays,
Glad you're back Tim. Your service is well appreciated. Please keep your head up and remember this community is your friend and biggest supported. Good luck with the sticks....I was with someone last night who was talking about doing a littlle house keeping....ya never know.
edit because my spelling sucks!
Glad to see you back safe and somewhat sound Tim!

Hope you get through this all ok.
Thanks for your service and welcome home Tim! 
Good luck with the cigars and I will keep you in my prayers.
Thank everyone, your support means a lot!
Welcome home Tim!  Thanks for your service for all those years.
Welcome home, Tim!
VERY sorry to hear about your sticks.  Hopefully, you'll be able to salvage some.
A big THANK YOU for all that you've done for our country!
Take care of yourself!  It is very important!  Welcome home!
Welcome home, man.  Good luck salvaging the sticks.  Shit happens, but hopefully you can save a bunch of them.
Welcome home Tim,
A most deepest thank you for your service and defending our freedoms.  Not a day goes by that I am not thinking of or thankfull for our brave men and women such as yourself who have defended and fought for the many things folks often take for granted.  Good health, Happiness, and best of luck with the cigar salvage project. 
Welcome home, Tim.  Thank you so much for your service and dedication to our country.  Here's to wishing you health and peace of mind in the coming days.
Welcome home Tim and thank you for making the sacrifices you have over the last 17 years for our country.  It's a debt nobody could ever pay you enough for.  Sorry to hear about the cigars, maybe there'll be more to salvage than you think.  Enjoy Thanksgiving with the family.
Welcome home Tim. Let me know when you get your humi steady again and I'd like to send over some things to help you fill it back up and replace stock. Thanks for your service!
Welcome home Tim! Thank you for giving so much of your life to protecting our freedom. 
Welcome home, and thank you for your service, through all those years and those many deployments.