Baby Contest

Congrats - That remote start will come in very handy....

8lbs 7ounces

Thanks for the contest.

Here's to both Mama and son having a safe delivery. :thumbs:

No guess for me, I'll lets the others have a chance at your smokes. (I just won over at CigarPool) :p
My guess is 6lbs 12oz...
Congrats on the pending birth of your first child.
Fatherhood is a life changing experience.

edited for spelling only...
8 lbs. 3 oz.

Congrats!!! It is the best thing in the world!!!
7lbs 14oz.

Man are you in for a great time!!!
It will change you in a heart beat!!!
6lbs 10oz and more importantly, healthy.
10lbs 6.5 oz. (the weight if my first son!)

Many blessings upon you and your family! CONGRATS!
Congratualations. Mine just turned 3 on Christmas. It certainly does change your life.

7 lbs. 1 oz.
I'll guess 8lbs 1oz 22.5 inches long (my kids specs)

Congrats! Go get some sleep, you're gonna need it :)