Trust me. I do read, read, read, and read some more. I watch videos, read cigar related news/reviews/blogs/m-boards daily, to the point where it's "obsessive".
Before doing much research and began smoking last year, I couldn't tell you much.. But for the past several months, I've invested thousands of hours and $, learning and educating myself about everything I could, buy/smoke/collect any cigar that I can, and more. I feel that I am VERY knowledgable, given the time I've been a cigar smoker, just not as much in the ISOM department w/ tons of first-hand, hands-on experience like I've had with NC's.
But in this case, i HAVE done my research to the best of my ability of whats available out there, but just wanted a second opinion. Alll of the info/signs from doing research (on cigar bands and updates, prices, production dates/releases, what to look for, raised lettering/etc,, rows/shape/size of dots, gold foil, spaces in-between the tops and bottoms of certain areas, the possibility of rebanding, and especially taste/aroma/burn/etc)regarding ISOMs) still led me to be "questionable". That is why I ask. =)
I paid right around what they go for in legitimate market (but I got some at a better deal on some when buying a lot at once, because I've spend thousands at his store). CoRo-$15, Monte #2-$15, PSD4/PSP2-$15, 1966-$35ish, Siglo VI-$20-25.
Once, I questioned the shop owner about a Siglo VI I had bought/smoked prior due to the banding, and gave me another one at a big discount to try again, but I was still not 100% convinced due to the flavors didn't seem "right.". When I smoked a Monte #2 at his place a week before/after, it was spot-on. That's what makes it more confusing.
So that is why I asked you guys for your expertise with ISOMS.
I figured that this is a forum to learn from each other, get to know each other, and help each other out, no?
By the way, measuring the sizes against what is listed officially online, they're pretty much spot-on.