Atuck, let's let everyone know what you sent me

You should apologize to the folks you sent those pm's to without the preamble excuses. "I'm sorry, I was wrong" will do. You were certainly wrong but it's clear you aren't sorry.

I don't care who you have carrying your water, you crossed the line. What's more, you knew it was wrong or you'd have posted that simple minded shit in the threads instead of a private message. "Old School" my ass, what are you 12 years old?


Neal and I are not known to agree very often, but this being my first post to this situation, I have to agree with his post and with Andrew's. I don't think Alan intended on doing anything to defraud anyone, but I think it was a bit mixed up. I also can see a double standard here in that if this was someone who was not on the board for as long, they would be hit hard and probably run off, if not banned. The difference I see here is that a long time member should have known that you have to be VERY clear in your transactions here, where a newer member may not know how things should be run. I also think that most of the older members here knwo when to hold their tongue, or typing fingers as the case may be, and when to go past the point that may be offensive or threatening to some. Things were done wrong on all sides and apologies are deserved on both sides of the disagreement.
OK Atuck, if you feel it necessary to go that far, let's bring this out for all the board to see and know. Let's prove to everyone what a man you are, first threatening me, then pm'ing me obscene photos of your dog's ass.

How about it Cigar Pass? I may be new to the board, but how about you all learn what a fine upstanding individual you have among yourselves.

Atuck, should I post the picture in public for everyone to see? Or would you prefer to hide behind pm's, afraid to show everyone here what you really are?

I too participated in atuck's charity sale. I posted my thoughts in the BST thread. I just got my sticks today, after USPS has been trying to deliver to me for a week now. I am sure that my sticks are worth close to the $25 I sent for Alan's charity.

RalphWiggum did not participate. RalphWiggum took it on himself to get involved with this issue with his post in the second BST thread. This was quite inappropriate to do, especially for a newb.

Seems to me, IIRC, that a past member named Burnt Tongue decided to get involved in a matter that did not involve him. He was not a newb. He got "told" in no uncertain terms that he was out of line. I do not understand why the focus remains on atuck.

Seems to me that RalphWiggum needs to be seriously reprimanded by the Membership.

RalphWiggum, it is highly unlikely that I would ever agree to have any dealings with you. This is based on the sum total of your 10 or 12 posts to date here at CigarPass. If it were my board, and it's not, you would be gone.

As far as "premiums" go, I thought that a "premium" was simply a hand-rolled, long-filler cigar. "Super premium" being more expensive.

No cheers on this one,
Wow, I thought I was at CF when reading this.

Here are the two cents from a guy who knows only what he read here on this thread.

Ralph should take a hike. You are causing trouble where none needed causing. If you feel you are getting harrassed or whatever then forward it to Rod and live with his decision. The reason this Board is great is that this type of crap does not go on here.

Attuck should apologize to anyone he feels he may, even in the slightest tenny weeniest way, have offended or Upset. He should do it by PM, and he should mean it when he types it.

Everyone here who piled on and stuck thier nose where it wasn't really needed should apologize to Attuck. As i said I only know what I am reading here so I don't know who you are but YOU certainly know who you are.

Boyz, this is the kind of sh$t that makes CF un-palletable from time to time. Folks need to "man up" and bury some hatchets or find somewhere else to spend internet time.

Regardless of fault or lack thereof, if you don't have the ability to ignore people's opinions who have no knowledge of what they speak, then maybe you shouldn't be here. To strike back at anyone who thinks they know the type of person you are without actually "knowing" you, only speaks volumes of what kind of person you are. Getting defensive online, in any type of situation, can never work out to anyone's advantage. On the flipside, take every positive comment you receive from people who don't really know you, with a grain of salt, because it only takes one screw up, or appearance of one, to swing the door the other way.
Ok Christmas is over, we now return you to the flame already in progress.

i think we need a caged wrestling to the death match, i'm betting on Alan, then put it on youtube and make millions
After 3 pages of reading let's say I'm not too thrilled with the thread, the posts or most of the participants. Some folks seem too sensitive, too defensive or too quick to judge. Take a deep breath, step back and visit this next year if you absolutely have to.
Ok Christmas is over, we now return you to the flame already in progress.

LOL...I thought this thread had already died it's death.

So did I, Rod should lock this thread up, IMO.

Dadgummit it Todd!!! It's been 5 days and this thread's not locked!!! ???

Fer cripes sake - would you get on it, Rob - Ftpk needs it!!! :angry:

...and I don't care how you slice it - those Gurkha Pre-Embargo's are not worth $25!