I'm part of this community, and this really makes me upset to see this. I was just telling my wife that this community is a great group of BOTLs that I can escape to and talk cigars, life, pretty much anything, to anyone. We are all Brothers of the Leaf on here, but it has appeared that someone on here has stepped over the line and hung himself.
To the Suspect:
Listen here you little peice of sh*t, your little joke might have been funny to
you at the time, but now do you see what a friggin'
CLUSERTF*CK you've created for Jeff and his family?? Not so funny now is it?
Here's what I'll do for you pal, since I'm feeling "giving:" Try going down to your nearest bookstore and pick yourself up a copy of the Penal Code, and read up on Penal Code § 502. It's a nice little statute that talks about "computer and data abuse" infiltration.
I'm sorry, you were wondering what the punishment for it is? Here, I posted it here for you so I can save you some time while you're hacking other people's profiles:
Any person who violates any of the provisions of paragraph
(1), (2), (4), or (5) of subdivision © is punishable by a fine not
exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or by imprisonment in the
state prison for 16 months, or two or three years, or by both that
fine and imprisonment, or by a fine not exceeding five thousand
dollars ($5,000), or by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding
one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment."
And if you're not California, then check this website out so you can educate your scaley ass:
Computer Hacking and Unauthorized Access Laws (State by State)
Might want to do some "boning up" before you pull some chicken-sh*t stunt like this again.
You're lucky that Rod and Jeff, at this point in time, only want an "apology" from you. Given the justice system's punishment as seen above? You're getting off pretty easy.
Don't fuggin' talk to me, don't fuggin' trade with me, and if I EVER see you on here after this whole fiasco, don't expect a whole lot of hugging to ensue.