
CP Chemist
Jan 14, 2005
What is it with you guys recently? I have introduced two BOTLs to this board because I have enjoyed my time here thus far. I have been involved in some fantastic trades, gone in on a couple of purchases and really thought my friends would enjoy it here as much as I have.

They have BOTH been met with general unfriendliness. I know you guys that have been here awhile are probably used to newbies sucking up to you in the hopes of getting “bombed” or whatever. However, not all people are brown-nosers and many (myself included) will stick up for themselves when provoked or post a sarcastic response to a sarcastic post (whether by someone with 5000 posts or 2 posts). In addition, starting an “Attention Newbies” thread telling them that they should ask MattR or SamClemmons about posting questions is insulting. Whether it was a joke or not it was unnecessary and added more fuel to the fire (as is obvious from the posts in that thread).

I asked a simple question in a thread that could have been answered with a friendly PM or a link to the “Sources” thread in the Island of Cuba forum (thanks Backslide420). Instead, I received a sarcastic post from MMM. Then Leebo chimes in with “I will tell you this though, due to this kind of crap you probably will never be privy to the "good sources" because you can't keep quiet about it” and later an insulting picture. Finally, SamClemmons has to add his $0.02 (“So the jingly dude thinks he's been misused for arguing CP policy? And none of you were considerate enough to point him toward yours truly... The Answerman? That cuts me deep, deeeep. Let me know if he needs any further explanation okay?” to a thread that should have been done long ago.

I thought this was a fun, friendly place. In the past TWO days, several “FOGs” have made it everything but that. I respect everyone until they give me reason not to. Making sarcastic posts to legitimate questions (where a simple PM would suffice) and generally insulting the intelligence of people is an easy way to lose that respect.

Any “insulting” post I have made has been in response to someone making an insulting or demeaning comment to me. I have NEVER started it – that’s not how I operate. I have never been on a forum where people are friendly to you until you make a mistake and then all hell breaks loose. Do you guys LOOK for reasons to insult people and make sarcastic comments? It’s amazing how quickly people will turn on you, simply amazing. And it’s not just one person, it’s 2, 3, 10 people who all have to chime in with petty comments, stupid pictures, sarcastic posts, insults, etc. Some of you are like sharks – you smell the blood in the water and have to come and take a “bite out of the newbie”. Ggeise’s picture in the Attention Newbies thread pretty much sums it up perfectly.
Heed advice and take things w/ a grain of salt. My advice to you. Things that are in jest should not be taken personal.
Although I have just become a member, it seems you have a part to play in this whole thing too MrJingles.

IMHO, time spent here = trust and respect, that's how I'm going about it. :D
I don't care if you've been ten years or ten minutes.. if you can't take a joke, you're not going to have much fun here or anywhere else for that matter.

Treat everyone else as you would in turn like to be treated, just like in real life. If you wanna bust my balls, more power to you. No skin off my back. I love a good joke now and then and live my life knowing that I am nowhere near perfect and never will be. I swear, some of you people must live in a friggin' bubble and have no idea there is a world outside of your frickin' computer.

Let me tell you what's "with" me jingly. 45 day wonders like you coming in here thinking you are entitled to something you're not. Nobody owes you explanations about why this or that policy is in place, nobody owes you the benefit of the doubt, nobody has to take your sarcastic comments with a grain of salt. You haven't paid your dues with the brotherhood here. You haven't earned a reputation that is beyond reproach. You haven't been selfless or generous or helpful or knowledgeable or anything approaching a bruddah. You have however opened your gop and spewed a bunch of nonsensical rhetoric that would be better left unsaid. You stroll onto the board and think you know better which policies should be in place and how everybody should act. Tinhorns like you come and go here and you can be sure you will not be posting with impunity in the future. You will not change things here, you won't be dictating terms, you won't be looked at with awe and wonder because of your powerful grasp of the situation. You are a newbie with a case of the red a$$ and if you want to get along here you will simply have to read more and type less. The guys you invited here seem to be getting on much better than you... they are welcome here. But you... You want to call out the FOGS on some simple $hit you've got a problem with? You want to make a reputation taking on the true bruddahs? Hmmmmm?
Hey, it's cool with me... you certainly have my attention.... now your only problem is getting rid of it.

SamClemmons said:

Let me tell you what's "with" me jingly. 45 day wonders like you coming in here thinking you are entitled to something you're not. Nobody owes you explanations about why this or that policy is in place, nobody owes you the benefit of the doubt, nobody has to take your sarcastic comments with a grain of salt. You haven't paid your dues with the brotherhood here. You haven't earned a reputation that is beyond reproach. You haven't been selfless or generous or helpful or knowledgeable or anything approaching a bruddah. You have however opened your gop and spewed a bunch of nonsensical rhetoric that would be better left unsaid. You stroll onto the board and think you know better which policies should be in place and how everybody should act. Tinhorns like you come and go here and you can be sure you will not be posting with impunity in the future. You will not change things here, you won't be dictating terms, you won't be looked at with awe and wonder because of your powerful grasp of the situation. You are a newbie with a case of the red a$$ and if you want to get along here you will simply have to read more and type less. The guys you invited here seem to be getting on much better than you... they are welcome here. But you... You want to call out the FOGS on some simple $hit you've got a problem with? You want to make a reputation taking on the true bruddahs? Hmmmmm?
Hey, it's cool with me... you certainly have my attention.... now your only problem is getting rid of it.


Exactly the response I was expecting from you. You don't even know me, have never had any dealings with me, and yet you think you know what I am all about. I have been more than generous with people on this board - difference is, I don't feel the need to advertise it and get praise for it. You spout of your own rhetoric, and yet none of it applies and none of it addresses any issue I brought up. I have never once tried to "dictate terms", never expected to be looked at with "awe and wonder", and never tried to "change things here". I don't feel the need to sit back and be liked by everyone on a message board - if I have something to say I will say it.

If you don't won't to answer questions posted by a newbie then don't. If you feel a question is out of line, why not PM the person and explain why it is out of line so it doesn't happen again? You expect new people here to know right off the bat "how things are" and yet the same issues keep coming up because no one will explain them.

If you don't want to take my sarcasm with a grain of salt that's fine by me - but don't expect me to take yours either. You may have earned the respect of others here but you haven't earned mine.

You haven't been selfless or generous or helpful or knowledgeable or anything approaching a bruddah.

Exactly what I am talking about. You probably haven't read any of my posts aside from the ones you want to flame. Fact is, I have been all of those things but you didn't seem to notice that.

Anyway, enough of this. Flame away, insult, post without reading content - I don't care anymore. I'm taking a break from this place. The last two days have really got under my skin. It's funny how I'm the only person getting flamed here, and simply for posting in the same manner (and in response to posts) of some of you FOGs. Guess you can dish it out but can't take it. If you have something else to say to me, say through PM or email - that's all I will be checking.
Ya know I'd probably miss know it all newbie humps if they went a way. So next you'll tell us all about the PM's you're getting voicing support of the idiocy you post. Better yet a soul filled, agonized, good bye because you've been treated so badly. You are still trying to dictate terms oh ye of little snap. You whine and gnash your teeth over how the bad old FOGs is treatin' you so shabby and say that my post was exactly what you were expecting... really? Of course it was what you were expecting. Your post dictated what I said... see?... had it been even reasonably relevant, true, or knowledgeable I wouldn't have replied. Whinning beeatches often take the stance that they have been wronged and must fight the good fight, yeah, you and The Black Knight... "come back you coward".

How about this, I post whenever and wherever I want. How about you PM whoever you want and I will post on the board. Say it ain't so... boo hoo... jingly dude don't respect me.... buwahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa. That's like being respected by monosyllabic drooler... puhlease.

You're getting flamed for acting like jerk, ya can't get above yer raisin'.

"I'm taking a break from this place." :sign: :sign: :sign:

Say hello to purobrat.

For the record... a simple search of the archives will give anyone the information they need.

Search, read, read some more, read some more, speak. Arf.

mrjinglesusa said:
I have been more than generous with people on this board - difference is, I don't feel the need to advertise it and get praise for it.

mrjinglesusa said:
Exactly what I am talking about. You probably haven't read any of my posts aside from the ones you want to flame. Fact is, I have been all of those things but you didn't seem to notice that.

Less than two months a reputation does not make.
Hey look! A newbie with a pair of balls! To bad they match his IQ! :sign:
Hey Jim - (or should I say Dr. Anderson) - Thanks for having our backs!

I think what we have here is very simply people on a power trip. You know, it's easy to act tough and boss others around behind the guise of a user name. My guess is that they were the ones that always got picked on growing up and now it helps them to think that they are in charge of something; even if it is just a chat room.

Either way, at the end of the day they just have to realize that they are powerless to back up anything they say and must go home, look in the mirror and face facts.

What I find truely funny is that the FOGs (with their wealth of 'knowledge') seem to spend most of their time in the lobby and not providing reviews or guidance to those actually discussing cigars!

What I find truely funny is that the FOGs (with their wealth of 'knowledge') seem to spend most of their time in the lobby and not providing reviews or guidance to those actually discussing cigars!

I dunno, I think yer missing something because they DO INDEED provide guidance and direction to those newer to cigars and cigar BB's, I see and hear about this on MANY occasions. No offense but you really haven't been around enough to know better and IMO your statement is off base. ???

What you don't know is they also spend a great deal of their time trading with each other, getting together and enjoying cigars, playing poker for cigars, talking on the phone about cigars and if ya look back in the archives, they've provided an unbelievable wealth on information about cigars, humidors, etc. over the years.

I suppose it's all in how you look at it and how you handle yourself here. People come and go but check around the net at the other cigar boards and you'll soon realize that this is one of the best. ;)
My guess is that they were the ones that always got picked on growing up and now it helps them to think that they are in charge of something

If you want a classic example of that, go to LTC and see how PuroBrat handles himself, then get back to us mmmmmmmmkay?
LC-Smoker said:
Hey Jim - (or should I say Dr. Anderson) - Thanks for having our backs!

Hey LC, who the hell cares if Jim has his doctorate or not. If you will stop and learn before you type sh*t like this, things might be better for you.

You hurt my feelings about the way I was in High School. I won't be able to look myself in the mirror tonight when I get home. What a f'ing loser I am.
bfreebern said:
Ummm, CC, you on medication or something?

Nah, just tryin' to get the Charlottesville crew to see the light but
Hey Patrick (or should I say Dr. Drivel)
It looks like I need to ammend one of my posts... One of jingly dudes friends is assimilating well. Somebody must have hurt the other ones feelings or he was fed from a bottle when young or has comprehension trouble. Anyway, what we have here is simply a lack of self esteem by a couple of new guys. Somehow they got it in their heads that they should be instantly recognized as being superior in every way when in fact the opposite is true. Having built these grandiose personas in their minds and between themselves they think it automatically transfers to the internet. Sad, deluded souls to be sure.

"Thanks for having our backs!" Good Lord. :laugh: Is he protecting you from something Patrick or is it just his turn in the hole?

If you don't like it here you don't have to stay. If you can't take some ribbing fron the FOGS then you are at the wrong place. Sam Clemmons, CC and MMM have made many contributions here and and have broke in their share of newbies. They will be here long after most newbies have come and gone. You can't and will not earn their respect or any other long standing members respect by whining. Just my two cents worth.