Question for everyone; since i have the 6.8 (stag model) i was thinking of just getting an upper in .556 and using the same lower but what are peoples opinion on that?
Should i get the upper and shoot 556 with my 6.8 lower or should i just invest a little more and just buy a complete .556?
the 6.8 round is a little expensive to just take and shoot paper with.
Like, RR said you can use your lower with pretty much anything out there, with the exception of .308 and the 7.62s.
I have a couple of questions
1. Do you reload?
6.8 isn't cheap but reloading can help. Not everyone one has the time or inclination to do it and to be realistic you have to shoot a fair amount to recoupe your intial investment. I've never looked into 6.8 but a quick google search shows that you can reload at about half the cost of factory ammo.
2. Why did you get a 6.8?
Serious question, if you are just shooting paper their are plenty of other rounds out their for cheaper.
3. What is your budget?
RR makes another great point about .22 cal. I have a converison for my 5.56 and it serves its purpose for cheap fun and shooting steel at pistol distances. CMMG new stainless is supposed to be a lot less finicky, but my older model has good days and bad and is somewhat tempermental about what mags it likes.
With the the amount of dedicated mock ARs out there in .22 cal (think MP 15-22 or Mossbergs) I can't see justifying spending $350 plus on a no name upper and then having to switch it to your lower. You figure you are going to be into the $700 plus range for a dedicated .22 cal AR with its own lower.
Conversely you can find 5.56 uppers for around $450 and can find complete rifles for under $800 dollars keep your eyes open. Figure $150-200 bucks for a .22 conversion.
4. What do you want out of your rifle(s)?
Are they just toys your bring out once or twice a year or do you use them once or twice a month? If its the former then I would tell you to stick with the 6.8 as it will take you a long time to see any real
I would also suggest looking into to local carbine shoots and three gun competitions if you haven't already. IDPA is pretty fun for pistol shoots as well, but IMO nothing beats getting to use more than one gun on the course of fire.
While I was searching I found this, I make no claims to reliability and give no recommendations, but if you are looking for something to plink with for cheap it might satisfy your urge.