Are your Hoyos bands embossed or flat?

The newer bands are embossed it looks like. Atleast they are on my Hoyo Petite Robusto's.
cvmfour said:
No offense guys, but this is the Cuban Room :D

that's why I said my cuban ones! :blush:
KayakinBoy said:
cvmfour said:
No offense guys, but this is the Cuban Room  :D

that's why I said my cuban ones! :blush:

Doh! :blush:

What cubans you enjoying these days? I find it that there's so many and so little time to try them all!
The ones i got on my DC's are embossed, but only mildly so...hopefully mine are real to begin with.
Duh!!!!!!!!!!!! Mine are flat straight____ from my sister that work's in the factory!!!

I want to sell you just tyhe lables...and the box too for USD$$$$25 if you are a hustler"rrrrrrrrrrr

Viva la revouluccion!!!!!! :sign: