Are you bombing for the right reasons...?


Proud Father of a Kearney, NE LEO
Staff member
Jan 31, 2005
With all the fuss about bombing, wars, etc. I thought it would be worthwhile to re-post a comment made by our own NullSmurf about bombing and camadre. I could not have worded it better myself:

Guys, this is NOT to throw rocks at anyone, only to provoke some thought about the whole process. Please take his comments in the sprit they were offered in.

There are those of us that have been around a bit, and intend to stay quite a bit longer. Making the place better for everyone is all that most of us are after.

Why do I continue read and post here?

1. Fellowship. I have friends here, several that I consider close friends. Cigars are the common ground.
2. Information. I'm amazed pretty much daily by what I learn here. Not all of it is about cigars.
3. Entertainment. I enjoy watching the interaction. I like the personal dynamics, and occasionally, the drama.
4. Charity. You know, bombs.

Bombs. That's the real focus of this post. I'm concerned that newbies are perceiving that bombing is currency, a method to buy the stairway to respect. If this goes on long enough, it will be. In the purest sense, a bomb should never be about the sender. I'd bet most of you would be shocked at how many bombs there really are, because many of them go unreported - by design. Hey, not all passes are posted publicly either.

The test is simple. Ask yourself who the bomb is for - you or your target? Did you fulfill something your target had not yet experienced? Will your target will appreciate you beyond, "hey, free cigars!"? What were the best bombs I've gotten? The first one - from Doc nearly two years ago introducing me to Arturo Fuente. Another was a handful of my daily smokes, ones I'd have bought anyhow. The sender no longer cared for them but knew I did, so he just sent them to me.

I don't want acknowledgement for the bombs I send. I don't want to offer that acknowledgement is bad - far from it. The first few times for me, I felt a rush when I read the thanks. For many, its part of the payment for the act, and sometimes its the recipient that needs to offer acknowledgement. It still comes back to the question of why you bombed in the first place. Was it about you, or about your target? Are you bombing for the attention, to kiss up to someone, or perhaps to "buy the stairway"? If you're new here, and you see an opportunity to fulfill the wish of a long time member or just to do something nice, don't be afraid to bomb. If the bomb is about you, well, we all like free cigars.

Food for thought - B.B.S.
Great post Tom, especially with everything that's going on right now. It is definitely worth a daily reminder. It's not about showboating or praying to the cigar gods for return fire, it's about paying it forward.
I knew someone would post this eventually. Thanks BBS.

I remember when Bruce posted this and he, Brian (Infinity), and I sorta went back and forth disagreeing over the intent of the post via PM's. At first we both thought he was pretty much against all the public chest beating going on at the time.
When I joined, it pretty much seemed the standard and I thought it was just what you were supposed to do. Posting DC#'s when a bomb was mailed, etc.

While I don't really normally do that anymore, bombing is still just as much about the giver as it is the recipient. It's a good feeling to give and make someone's day. Nothing wrong with that. It's okay to be about you, as well as the person you decided to gift to.......For whatever reason, as long as it comes back to the spirit of giving, having fun, and no other motive.

This is what I eventually took from Bruce after much back and forth, and this is what everyone else who reads it should. Can be pretty much summed up in one sentence.

"I'm concerned that newbies are perceiving that bombing is currency, a method to buy the stairway to respect."
Thanks for some added perspective.

Isn't it fun to just blow stuff up? :cool:

Just sayin'
If you bomb expecting something in return, you are doing it wrong.
In the short time I have been here (and the few bombs that I have sent out), I have realized it's more about the sharing something that you really enjoy with someone else. For me what really makes it special is taking the extra couple minutes to find out what the person you are going to bomb likes (aside from cigars) and try to add some of that to the package.

I would never expect to be bombed back after I bomb someone, to me that is just bad form. Almost like posting for someone to bomb you. :0
When it comes to winning, Gary, that pretty well covers it...!!!....:love:
While I don't really normally do that anymore, bombing is still just as much about the giver as it is the recipient. It's a good feeling to give and make someone's day. Nothing wrong with that. It's okay to be about you, as well as the person you decided to gift to.......For whatever reason, as long as it comes back to the spirit of giving, having fun, and no other motive.
John, we're in agreement here. Gosh knows I've sent packages out that I knew would blow the other person away, but I didn't post a DC# and never, ever, expected anything in return.

As long as it's done as a genuine gift, we're on the same page.

Thanks for the thoughtful post, bro - B.B.S.
This thread actually answers a lot of the questions I had since I'm such a noob here. Thanks guys!

Also, upon further searching "bomb etiquette", there's a number of issues that I hadn't even thought about before.
This thread actually answers a lot of the questions I had since I'm such a noob here. Thanks guys!

Also, upon further searching "bomb etiquette", there's a number of issues that I hadn't even thought about before.
I'm glad you brought this up, and there's another post that's worth a re-read. Our own SamClemmons had this to say about acknowledgment protocol:

Am I the only one that has issues with people saying exactly what was sent to them or what they sent? I think this is bad form. There was a time here and elsewhere when folks simply voiced there appreciation for an unexpected "bomb" by saying thank you and then qualifying their thank you with things like... I am floored . . . You were way to generous . . . I can never repay you . . . Are you insane. . . Above and beyond . . . Incredible. . . and the like to express their thoughts on the generosity of the sender.
The reason for the anonymity of the contents of a bomb or trade is really quite simple. There are folks who are more generous with some people than they are with others. There are people with deep pockets and those for whom the bottom line is much closer. Maybe a guy is friends with someone off line and decides to crush his friend with premium sticks or maybe he just likes someone and sends a little something. The point here is that if the contents of a bomb or trade is openly discussed it puts an unfair pressure on the sender or receiver to duplicate their generosity with the next guy. It also makes this person a target for guys to bomb with the expectation that this generous person will reciprocate in the same way as he/she did previously. I know what you're going to say. "When people send bombs out they don't really expect the person they bomb to reciprocate." All I can say to this is, CRAP. I'm not saying that there are not people here that are selfless (a few come to mind) but many folks are expecting exactly that, a return gesture. I see people bombing guys that are known to be extremely generous yet they've never had any kind interaction with these people other than snagging their address which has forced more than a few of these generous souls to pull their contact information from their profiles. I don't think the newer guys should be told to bomb this fellow or that fellow because they "won't be sorry". Let them learn themselves like everyone else. After they've been here awhile they'll know, but not before they've made the effort and paid there dues through interaction.......

Again, not to throw rocks at anyone, just helping the new guys get the feel of the process.....;)

The best - B.B.S.
I have to say this is very inspiring to me as a newb. This shows what kind of comradery is around here and what you have as a newb to look forward too if you stick around.
Ive tried to instill this in the people who I have recruited to join the war. That youre sending these "bombs", not as a way to provoke return fire, but as a way to say thanks.
I have to say this is very inspiring to me as a newb. This shows what kind of comradery is around here and what you have as a newb to look forward too if you stick around.

Wait till you get to meet some people in person. Some of the bests times I have had as a member have been herfing with multiple people here.