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Are Opus X's REALLY that good?

SiShong... please try and refrain from smoking ANY feces.

Thank you for your attention.
I mean no ill will or provocation towards anyone with any of these comments, just had to put my thoughts out there. Please understand.
Here's my thoughts.....you should hire someone to proof read your rambling, inappropriate, "look at me" posts and allow them input before you hit the "Add Reply" button.

I mean no ill will or provocation towards anyone with my comments, just had to put my thoughts out there. Please do your very best to understand.


I find it really depend on the time and environment when it comes to Opus. For example, 4:57 EST is a horrible time for Opus while 4:57 CST is ideal. 7:30-7:56 AM is never optimal regardless of time zone. Also, as I said, setting really matters. Some people can enjoy a smoke wherever but the process by which Opus are rolled (far too complicated to go into here) really forces you into smoking them only in certain situations to maximize enjoyment. For example smoking one on a NYC Subway car would be good, as long as you are on the upper east side and nowhere else. On the other hand smoking one on your porch (between 7:30 and 7:56 AM) is likely to result in immediate paralysis. Basically when you smoke Opus you are putting your life on the line.

Smoked my first Opus at 7:45 AM Iraq time about a year ago, to this day loud explosions still send me diving under a chair clutching my cutter and torch.

Most of the time yes they are THAT good.

I've had a few duds, but when a Opus is on, its one of the few pleasures worth the price of admission.
I find it really depend on the time and environment when it comes to Opus. For example, 4:57 EST is a horrible time for Opus while 4:57 CST is ideal. 7:30-7:56 AM is never optimal regardless of time zone. Also, as I said, setting really matters. Some people can enjoy a smoke wherever but the process by which Opus are rolled (far too complicated to go into here) really forces you into smoking them only in certain situations to maximize enjoyment. For example smoking one on a NYC Subway car would be good, as long as you are on the upper east side and nowhere else. On the other hand smoking one on your porch (between 7:30 and 7:56 AM) is likely to result in immediate paralysis. Basically when you smoke Opus you are putting your life on the line.

Smoked my first Opus at 7:45 AM Iraq time about a year ago, to this day loud explosions still send me diving under a chair clutching my cutter and torch.


Tim this is a perfect example of my point. I would make a flowchart to add more clarity but I am tired and just got back from Jimmy Buffett so instead I am going to go bother my wife.
I mean no ill will or provocation towards anyone with any of these comments, just had to put my thoughts out there. Please understand.
Here's my thoughts.....you should hire someone to proof read your rambling, inappropriate, "look at me" posts and allow them input before you hit the "Add Reply" button.

I mean no ill will or provocation towards anyone with my comments, just had to put my thoughts out there. Please do your very best to understand.



BBS...a pretty restrained response to a rather "psychosomatic" diatribe. I had trouble getting past the first sentence. :sign: :sign:
They are well worth it at msrp, and up to about maybe ~20% mark up. But at the outrageous prices you see and most B&M's, no way.

The hype had me, and I was lucky to come across a handful around msrp, and my first one was def. an exceptional smoke.
BBS...a pretty restrained response to a rather "psychosomatic" diatribe. I had trouble getting past the first sentence. :sign: :sign:
...Lou..!! Long time no hear, my friend. Hope to see you again after the first of the year..... :thumbs:

You know me; "Mr. Restraint"..... :laugh:

I have my opinions, but I think I'll play 'em close and allow our friend to prove me right before going public..... :p

Take care, Lou - B.B.S.
Most of the time yes they are THAT good.

I've had a few duds, but when a Opus is on, its one of the few pleasures worth the price of admission.

This guy, Wurm, you have to admire his gusto, and dedication. He tried on a number of occasions to to agree that the xXx is an outstanding cigar. I will not say if they are good or bad, I will say they are not my thing. After nubbing a few I can say that they are my least favorite of the Opus line. Now, the Perfection X, that s a great smoke IMHO.

Bottom line is this, try it.... pay what ever you think you need to pay for it, and smoke more than one, and smoke them in a varity of setting and with different pairing. Only one way to know if you enjoy the ride, take'er on a test drive.

Do not let the hype full you. Go into it with an open mind and make your own decision.

Sorry, I don't want to hi-jack this thread with comments flaming me for my excessive longwindedness, or overly opinionated response, my post should be edited to say . . .

"Opus is good, not the best, I'd smoke it again, but it doesn't live up to the hype."

I'll try to be more concise and keep my opinions out of my posts if they are going to cause problems.

Please resume the regularly scheduled posting and try to look past my newbie mistakes.
I find it really depend on the time and environment when it comes to Opus. For example, 4:57 EST is a horrible time for Opus while 4:57 CST is ideal. 7:30-7:56 AM is never optimal regardless of time zone. Also, as I said, setting really matters. Some people can enjoy a smoke wherever but the process by which Opus are rolled (far too complicated to go into here) really forces you into smoking them only in certain situations to maximize enjoyment. For example smoking one on a NYC Subway car would be good, as long as you are on the upper east side and nowhere else. On the other hand smoking one on your porch (between 7:30 and 7:56 AM) is likely to result in immediate paralysis. Basically when you smoke Opus you are putting your life on the line.

I have to disagree. First off, your 'timing' theory is inconceivably incorrect. While smoking with Carlito, we discussed this at length, before retiring for the evening to our separate communes. The original intent of the Fuente family was that their fabled Opus brand be run on Greenwich Mean Time, as a herald to the great Dunhill flagship. Opus are supposed to be smoked in the early to mid-afternoon, and only following a strong coffee or dark west Indian tea. Smoking one with your father is a significant sign of respect, while offering a Forbidden X to your Bishop is considered taboo. Your NYC subway line is also misleading, as it too is misconstrued because of time differentials. The whole story needs to be shifted.

Sorry, robbie. I'm going to have to call bull$h!t on the bolded part. Being the the subway only runs through one time zone, you're blatantly misleading. Methinks it may be in a feeble attempt to suppress the buying of Opus in NYC, hording them for yourself when you arrive. Phil is correct. The UES is the place to be when smoking an Opus on the subway. Quite recently, after finishing some business after dark up at Hunt's Point, I boarded the 6 with a Chili Pepper.

I lit it immediately, and it tasted bitter. Like one of those fakes you read about. But after a couple stops, it became heavenly. I realized, I had crossed the Harlem River a short while ago. The next few stops were like a cigargasm of light trails and other assorted hallucinations. When the conductor annound the arrival at 59th / Lexington, I quickly disembarked to continue my long, strange trip in Strawberry Fields.