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Anyone tried 5 vegas limitada?

Never had the limitada, but based on the ones I have had, I'd highly suggest gettin a 5er or something first.

I have yet to be impressed with much outta 5 Vegas. That's not saying you wouldn't love them, we all have different tastes.

It would just be my suggestion to try a few of anything before committing to a whole box.

Had one the other day I picked up in a trade.
Not a bad smoke, not sure what they go for but if it's around $3
I'da say its worth it.
the problem is consitency (yeah so i cant spell...I AM A HILLBILLY) you smoke 2 or 3 that blows you mind,then a super bad one,then 2 or 3 thats alright I aint sayin not to try em just dont expect the same quality or lack there of out of their product
I think the whole 5 Vegas line is pretty lousy. I'd spend your money on something else.
Better off getting a box of Padron 2000's for close to the same price.....