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anyone seen drew moberly online lately?

Jeff - I'd say what you're saying is in keeping with what I would believe Drew would do. However, he has been online and has not responded on SEVERAL occasions... Even a simple "Hey! I'm gonna be out of town and I'll get to it when I get back...." would have done wonders for his reputation.

Unfortunately, he's got some hole climbing when he gets back because he's dug himself into a beauty....

This is all I've ever asked for. I have gotten zero response from Drew since this whole thing started. :(

Also, I am willing to believe he has the best of intentions, but why no DC#'s for packages sent? This is customary here and on just about every other board I've seen. Drew has been around long enough to realize this. The old "Post Office lost it" excuse is really thin without some proof a package was ever sent.

I was not comfortable coming forward with my situation. I hadn't lost anything. Then I thought about how goodwill is so important here. How we all look out for one another and how the gesture of offering cigars is often met with the "good play" and "nice move", as it should be, and how generosity is rewarded (even in the smallest of ways), as it should be. After consultation with someone I respect a great deal, I decided to post what I posted.

The intentions may be there, but without backing them up with some action they're just a bunch of hot air. Making committments that can't be kept is about the most irresponsible thing a person can do.

I for one hope that Drew is ready to give the only explanation that could possibly be acceptable:

"Sorry, guys. I screwed up."

After that, he's got a long way to go before he can work on restoring his reputation.
I talked to Loren today. Drew left for staff at boy scout camp at the very beginning of June. I had no idea he would even be able to access CP let alone the internet while down there.

I haven't spoken with him all summer, so I can't tell you what he's doing, or what the hold up has been on his trades/passes he is involved with.

But I do know that I have known Mr. Moberly longer than anyone on this board. I'm not defending him for his actions (or lack thereof) but I will say with great sincerity that Drew's intentions are good when it comes to cigars. He in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM is out to screw anyone over, I can promise you that.

I hate to see it come to this. When Drew is in a position where he can check the boards regularly, I'm sure he will own up to his mistakes, and apologies (while be them somewhat futile) will be seen.

Like I said I can't defend Drew here because he is clearly in the wrong in this situation, but there's my two cents on this.

The Scout Law


Teach by example, at all times.

WE3-55-99 (I was an Eagle) :cool:

Edit: edited to make this "before coffee post" a little more understandable :p
Who hath smelt wood smoke at twilight? Who hath heard the birch log burning? Who is quick to read the noises of the night? Let him follow with the others, for the young mens feet are turning to the camps of proved desire and known delight. (Rudyard Kipling) I'm going to work my ticket if I can. Glad to see some Wood Bagers here.

Fox Patrol NEI-194-30


PS. Drew, you better get your head and ass wired together. You're a big embaresment to us Scouters.
I never got past cubscouts and the pack that only taught us how to play Euchre. What a wast of time. With my present job I have overseen 4 sucessful and one incomplete Eagle Scout Project that I am finishing myself.

I ought to get a badge for that at least. Oh and by the way, Eagle scout projects are now watered down. They no longer require 100 hours+ although I try to encourage challenging projects that one can look back on years later with pride.
Made it to Life Scout / Order of the Arrow before my parents decided that scouting was interfering with my school work and made me quit.
I never got past cubscouts and the pack that only taught us how to play Euchre. What a wast of time. With my present job I have overseen 4 sucessful and one incomplete Eagle Scout Project that I am finishing myself.

I ought to get a badge for that at least. Oh and by the way, Eagle scout projects are now watered down. They no longer require 100 hours+ although I try to encourage challenging projects that one can look back on years later with pride.

All of Boy Scouts is watered down. Primarily because of over-protective parents and their lawyers. It's not like it was in the 50's and 60's.
