Anyone had Bud Light Orange?

I don't watch much TV at all, with the exception of occasionally watching conservative news channels.... Even then I get most of my alt-right and conservative news through podcasts and talk radio.
That doesn't sound like anything I'd enjoy, honestly. The only time I drink Bud Light, if it's something I'm given or that's the only choice.
I would imagine anybody that likes stronger or craft beers would not....... However I have not talked to every beer drinker so I could be wrong. Bud Light Orange is to Beer what Swisher Sweets are to cigars. Imo.
LOL Surf I guess I'm a yuppie then!

Dark beer is awful with lime, IMO.

Pacifico is awesome straight, with lime, and it's a great beer to make Micheladas as well!!! Yum.

Yuppie was a late 1980's - 1990's term, it was what today might be called "hip", or "trendy", you are what I would call a Non Typical Mallennial. Our out of the box Mallennial. JMHO

BTW Friend had a print shop in the height of the Yuppie thing, he cleaned up selling "Yuppie Universities Degrees" in magazine ads for like $29.99. You have your degree from Yuppie U, a BA, BS, MA, MS, or PHd. Funny thing was how many he sold.