Anybody using recent model compressor wineador successfully no issues?

Will do some pics of the install and the wineador, hopefully I can remember to do some as I go along.
It was the largest (bottle capacity) wine cooler I could find, that I had a choice of reasonable placement.
I will post updates to the thread.
personal User said:
Let us know which wine cooler you ended using and how did it work out!
Dunno how it is going to work out.
Pulled the trigger on
173 bottle edgestar wine cooler
Johnson Digital Tstat
I've edited this three times, and for some reason cannot put a link to avallo humidors Avallo 20-40
The 173 bottle unit just barely goes in a closet in the guest bedroom and gets my cigars out the walk-in off the master bath ( and gives my wife a bit more space in there)
Thanks for the input on the thread.
After some time passes will post how things are working out
Very nice choice and I agree with Paul, some pictures showing off your progress would be nice. Also, are you planning on buying customized draws for this?
whylieineedacigar said:

Let us know which wine cooler you ended using and how did it work out!
Dunno how it is going to work out.
Pulled the trigger on
173 bottle edgestar wine cooler
Johnson Digital Tstat
I've edited this three times, and for some reason cannot put a link to avallo humidors Avallo 20-40
The 173 bottle unit just barely goes in a closet in the guest bedroom and gets my cigars out the walk-in off the master bath ( and gives my wife a bit more space in there)
Thanks for the input on the thread.
After some time passes will post how things are working out
Very nice choice and I agree with Paul, some pictures showing off your progress would be nice. Also, are you planning on buying customized draws for this?

no custom drawers. Simply going to stack boxes in there.
Ken, that looks like a very nice set up your putting together and I would also love to see some pics of the progress.
It's in and in service.
This thing in real life is larger than the measurements seem when you are trying to imagine it with a tape measure.
A pic with my sweet daughter-in-law for relative size
The unit seems to be pretty slick for the money, and the design seems to be readily adaptable and suitable for our purposes
The two fans inside that you can see at the top draw air in and the air passes over an evaporator coil and then following the least path of resistance goes down the full length of the unit.
There is about and inch and a 1/4 chase down the full length of the back of the unit that has slits. Said another way, there is a false back of plastic that goes the almost the full length and width of the unit in which two fans are mounted that draw incoming air into the chase and push it down over the cooling coil and down the length of the entire back. The colder air exits thru two vertical series of slots that extend almost the entire height of the unit.
As most compressor units do, there is a box bump-in in the bottom back of the lower part of the unit to allow space for the compressor and other components.
finished unit, prior to putting in cigars.
I purchased the Avallo humidification unit, and am so far happy with the install and performance.
I also obtained the 4 fan add-on that will run 4 small fans for one minute every hour and one minute after the humidifier units shut off.
I think the fans are only needed with this unit if you are likely to shut the power off in winter or if the unit will not run much in summer. If you are somewhere that the unit will cycle on and off frequently year round, I seriously doubt if the additional fans are needed.
I also bought the Johnson Digital Tstat, and like it. However, the unit seemed to cycle pretty well and I'm not sure it is needed. The Johnson digital unit is slick and I like the ability to manipulate the cycle and controls.
One thing about this, where I'm taking a bit of a flyer - is that the unit warranty is for depot and not in-home repair. Boxing this up and shipping is not practical. If I have problems, I'll have to see if I can get someone local to handle it. Probably should be able to, and get the parts from the manufacturer.
I do have shots of in progress and hopes to get around to doing a full write up at some point. At this time, I want to get some sort of initial service record out of the unit.
Very nice Ken!

Btw, I have several Avallo systems, and they have been working perfectly for me...
I use a Koolr unit that covers a 12x12x15 walkin humidor. It works pretty good. The larger unit is no longer available. My larger unit went bad so I had to buy the next smallest unit. It is working good. We will see how the summer months treat it.
Very nice pick up Ken! I need something to help ease my lack of space and this looks very approachable.
Looking forward to seeing you fill it, and how good you are at tetris! :p 
It's already pretty much full with the contents of a 100 qt cooler, and two other probably 30/40 qt coolers. All three of which were packed.
I've got three calibrated $20 hygrometers placed almost halfway in at different levels. Adjusting calibration of the avollo, and a slight offset in H-stat setting to get the three reading in a close range throughout. Takes a bit of tinkering, but not really very much.
The Tetris, I guess I'll see about that later on. ???
Absolutely jealous!!  That is a huge wineador!
Lets see it full!!
That's a great looking unit Ken. Im thinking of upgrading to something like what you have with a compressor. My house gets into the 80's consistently all through early spring and summer.
Have you figured out how many boxes you can store. Mother goose that is big.
Ken very nice set up you have there. The Avallo is a pretty solid unit and you should have no issues with it. Although I think you wineador is too small.  :p
I'm still playing with settings, there's a little more fluctuation of RH than I care for, but this is quite early on and it should sort out. I pulled two of the bottles with wicks to see the effect. Also, I put a couple of pounds of shilala beads in there to act as a buffer. I like the beads, but they seem to take a while to stabilize in different circumstances. They essentially act as a humidity stabilizer that is always attemping to reach a point of equalization in an enclosed environment so should be ideal for the purpose.
Didn't want to keep door open long, so made a quite quick count that may not be on the money, but I counted 57 boxes in there now. Several of those are tens. There is room for more, but at this point not sure how many because I wish to leave room for adequate air flow.
The plan is to have this one for long term storage, I'm mostly smoking out of trays in the Whynter 28 bottle thermoelectric.
Here's a pic with what is in it now, for
jvel79 said:
That's a great looking unit Ken. Im thinking of upgrading to something like what you have with a compressor. My house gets into the 80's consistently all through early spring and summer.
Thanks. That's really hard to deal with. During the summer here in SC we leave the thermostat at 78. Then there isn't such an extreme variation in temperature going in and out of the house. Makes it hard to store cigars though. I kept overflowing into one cooler, then another, then another and knew I had to do something by spring. Not going to be any overflow from this one :rolleyes:
Seems like someone asked how many boxes it will hold.
Today temps and humidity were just right to do spring cleaning and reorganizing.
76 boxes in there today.  Probably get another  7 or 8 easily depending on size and shape.
Will be able to seriously age some. After sinus surgery, doing pretty well holding it down to 3 or less smokes a week.
I've had nothing but humidity problems with mine.
As soon as the compressor kicks on humidity plummets to 40%.
(Sometimes only 50%)
Then as soon as it turns off it climbs back up to about 65%
And I have 2 1/2 poundsa of beads in the damn thing.