Anybody using recent model compressor wineador successfully no issues?

personal User

Active Member
Aug 26, 2013
It’s that time again.
Time to think about increased storage space.
BTW, I did read the pinned thread, and some linked threads, and searched. I didn’t see what I was looking for and wonder if someone in the past year or so purchased a compressor model wine cooler and is making that work well, without humidity or other issues.
I have been looking around locally, and realized that there appear to be noticeably less thermoelectric 28 bottle sizes in stock compared to when I did my 28 bottle unit several years ago.
I am happy with how the thermoelectric has been working, but would like to go larger. I had hoped that thermoelectric models were getting larger in the intervening years since I did mine, instead they are getting smaller while all the 28 bottle units locally available had compressors.
I would really like to go larger, but am not sure if I want to go dual zone.
My question is – Is anybody using a 28 bottle and/or hopeful larger compressor type wine refrigerator for a wineador successfully? 
If you are, please share the model number and information of the unit you are using.
whylieineedacigar said:
From what I have read recently on this forum and others, the compressor type wine cooler will suck out the humidity making them not a good choice for a wineador
That's what I am concerned about. And why I posted the thread.
A case can be made that there is no difference between a compressor model and a thermoelectric model. That could be true if the cooling device (coil, plate or whatever) were the same size, same temperature and had the same cycle rate (off/on.)  However, it doesn't seem likely to me that they would be that similar
 Some older compressor units gave humidity problems, I believe. This could be easily attributable to a colder coil being used to meet requirements, and ensuing increased condensation and therefore causing humidity issues. That could easily have been the case with older refrigerators being pressed into service for cigars rather than given to goodwill.
However, with the long term industry trend in consumer refrigeration going to quite small compressors that run at high speed for less energy use it quite possible that at this point a compressor unit may be no worse than a thermoelectric for our purposes.
Using a compressor based wine cooler is just fine if you know how to Work around the humidity drops.

1. Use a aftermarket temp controller. Google Johnson temp controller! This will allow you to better control your set points.

2. Consider an active rh controller like habitat monitor, beads alone won't cut it. Beads are best used as a buffer.

3. Keep loose cigars in boxes. This will stop any big swing at the tabacco level.

With those 3 things a compressor based system will give you years of perfectly stored smokes.
Backslide said:
If you're good with electronics, the habitat monitor can control your temps as well.
In my late sixties, I'm not as good at many things as I once was :cool:
But, if it doesn't get down to micro-soldering on a printed circuit board I can probably handle it.
It would be cleaner to have it all under one control.
Na, not that involved at all. You'll just need to trace out a few wires and splice in the new controller while bypassing the equipped unit.
That should't be a problem.
I am very appreciative of your helping me take a good direction on this.
whylieineedacigar said:
Let us know which wine cooler you ended using and how did it work out!
I have looked around, while there are one or two possibles, they are so large as to be a potential problem to shift around if needed.
While I appreciate the input on this thread a great deal - I think I'm just going add another 28/32 bottle wineador thermoelectric.
It's easier to place and situate two small ones than one big one. I can use one for long term storage and use different temp/RH setpoints, and the other for shorter term. Plus if one dies, I still have another one running to move more important stuff into, and shift the rest into a 150 qt coleman.
But, in all honesty the main reason I'm not going to buy a larger unit, because I know if I do so I will continue buying and fill it up.
There's got to be an end to ever-increasing cigar inventory for me.
I'm at a crossroads and electing to step down my buying. :rolleyes:
I may need some sort of 12 step plan.
It's been said before, but you can steal a wide variety of wine coolers off craigslist for a song, many of them barely or never used.
I haven't pulled the trigger on this, not much in stock locally and nothing has shown up on Craigslist.
With winter here, and much lower humidity in the house I and fighting that -  active humidification in a larger unit is looking more and more attractive with each passing day, And I've got a good while of winter still left.
If I'm going to have to go a solution of ordering something I've never seen I might as well go for a larger unit that will hold almost everything I have.
This thread has been a great resource in helping me determine the best path to take and I will update when I resolve my issues.
I ran a compressor type fridge with a outside temp control the entire time I was in Texas.
No need to use the setup once we moved and I placed my collection in a temp controlled room. Now my fridge is just a glorified cooler. The whole setup does not take much moisture. I used beads (recommend this over a Hydra or other fancy system. Little to no lost humidity.) Here's the controller I used:
whylieineedacigar said:
Let us know which wine cooler you ended using and how did it work out!
Dunno how it is going to work out.
Pulled the trigger on
173 bottle edgestar wine cooler
Johnson Digital Tstat
I've edited this three times, and for some reason cannot put a link to avallo humidors Avallo 20-40
The 173 bottle unit just barely goes in a closet in the guest bedroom and gets my cigars out the walk-in off the master bath ( and gives my wife a bit more space in there)
Thanks for the input on the thread.
After some time passes will post how things are working out
Also... DAMN that's a big ass wine cooler. Il love to see pics of it once you start installing the humidification and get some cigars in there.