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Anybody else a quiet guy?

Would you just be quiet, please? :D Just kidding bud. That's one of the things I love about CP, there is not a lot of idle, worthless back and forths. Heck, any1 can post random links in any old thread, but where does that really help anyone? :p Chime in when you can, share your thoughts on cigars, or whatever you feel comfortable doing. Just be yourself. And try to make it up to the Outlaw when one of the CP groups is there. It's well worth your time.

Perhaps you should take the time to read the post on grammar and the use of language here at CP instead of filling your posts with "text speak" jibberish. :angry:

"Any1"? wtf? ???

I don't say much either but I am here everyday. Well at least M-F 9-5 anyways.

edit for spelling
I tend to be both, quiet around people I don't know, but a loudmouth around people I do. Wife says I'm a loudmouthed asshole, she's probably right.
I tend to be both, quiet around people I don't know, but a loudmouth around people I do. Wife says I'm a loudmouthed asshole, she's probably right.

Lately, same for me. The "read more, post less" is fine, but this is an internet forum. What's the use if you don't add to the conversations. I post a lot (or really used too, not so much anymore) but at the same time I'm reading a lot too. I think the operative part of not posting, is just don't post for the hell of it when you don't know what's going on board wise and you're not adding anything of substance to what's being discussed..

So, as good as the "read more, post less" mantra gets thrown around, I also think that "read more, post more" can be equally important as long as whem you do so, you're contributing to what's being talked about.
I'm one of the quiet ones. I'll post on a rare occasion. Only if I can help and I'm not repeating anything that's already been offered.

edit: spelling
I specifically didn't post in this thread because I am a quiet guy..........what?

Awww shit.....
I was really active up until the beginning of this year, then life became so busy, i had no choice but to just check in and follow threads. Had to make sure my 5 minutes here was used wisely.

Hopefully, after this month, things will slow down. So, no I'm not really a quiet guy.
I post regularly on other forums, but not here...I really don't know why.
Part of it may be a firmly held belief in not getting involved in group purchases, passes, trades and the other goings on of many boards. I have witnessed a lot of friendships destroyed by these activities and long ago decided I would buy my own and be beholden to no one.
I post regularly on other forums, but not here...I really don't know why.
Part of it may be a firmly held belief in not getting involved in group purchases, passes, trades and the other goings on of many boards. I have witnessed a lot of friendships destroyed by these activities and long ago decided I would buy my own and be beholden to no one.

Hey look, a wise one in the bunch!
I guess what I really ment was "read more, drunk post less." ;)

SOUL BROTHER!!!!! :laugh:

In the beginning, I fell into the trap of posting to be noticed. Now I'll post if I have something pertinent to say (which is rare), or Punky tries to malign the Nation.
As my Mother always professes..."You were never a quiet kid, not even in my belly!"

Nuff said...
Add me to the list of quiet ones. I have been out of it since we had our first born. She keeps us very busy these days.