Any veggie gardeners?

Yea, got some sweet corn, strawberries (very good this year), and Vidalia Onion. Hate Vidalias in cooking but raw on a burger or in a salad or salsa, pretty good.

I like Vidalia's raw too. I made a meatloaf about a week ago and only had Vidalia so that's what I used. It turned out good. I do wish they had a longer shelf life.
Just a (not great) shot of the early veggies.

Foreground is radishes, behind that is purple Kohlrabi, followed by arugula, and behind that lettuce mix. Top left corner is scallions and coming forward from there, carrots. The box in the back is peas and not pictured to the right of that is beans.

Still have to transplant the tomatoes and get the squash in.

edit: and speaking of BLTs we used some of the arugula in our BLTs last night. And yes...there was mayo.

Just a (not great) shot of the early veggies.

Foreground is radishes, behind that is purple Kohlrabi, followed by arugula, and behind that lettuce mix. Top left corner is scallions and coming forward from there, carrots. The box in the back is peas and not pictured to the right of that is beans.

Still have to transplant the tomatoes and get the squash in.

edit: and speaking of BLTs we used some of the arugula in our BLTs last night. And yes...there was mayo.

Very cool. I've harvested a lot of kohlrabi, but have to ask, how on earth do you eat it? Lol
Sorry to hear that. What went so badly with the garden?
As far as your wife complaining, give it a few more years and she will likely be glad you are in the garden.
Everything had some kind of fungus or rot and nothing produced very well. Several people told me it was because we had so much rain. Being so busy with kids and life I just didn't have time to take some of the plants around to nurseries and find out what was wrong. And again the push back from the family was astounding!
I do agree about in a few years she's going to wish I had kept it up. Prices are already way up from a few years ago. And the farmers markets are just ridiculous in pricing.
Went to the farmers market at opening and got 4 nice homegrown looking tomatoes. I asked and they were grown locally in a greenhouse in soil. We will see how they taste. I also got carrots, zucchini and strawberries.
Makes me wish I had planted more than just tomatoes and peppers.
Well, I wouldn't put mayo on a corned beef on rye, but it belongs on a BLT.


Funny you say that Doc. Had BLT's for dinner last night and question/commented to the wife, why does a BLT taste so good? Must be like a well made stick with the right leaves, but man, it does have that magic taste. An yes, mayo is an absolute must. Screw the triglycerides.
I'm going to have to make BLT's this week now. And mayo is a must, but not too much!
I just ate a BIG BTM (M=mayo) sandwich for lunch and the Farmers Market tomatoes I got were really good. What didn't get sliced for the sandwich got diced onto the top of my cottage cheese. All good stuff.
Some stupid redneck put mayo on my Philly cheese steak last night. I could have strangled him.

I love gardening! Long story.. But my last garden had 9 foot tall tomatoe plants just bursting at the seams. But being in the road so much kinda makes it hard so my wife moved the operation to her grandparents and they "know everything" and she won't listen to me anymore needless to say... Our produce quantity has dwindled even though the garden is twice the size.

The first year I planted our garden there her grandpa (self professed master gardner) watered the garden to death. "I just can't understand why everything is dying" I finally told my wife to tell him don't water for 10 days... And wouldn't ya know stuff started turning green again. I also built a sweet irrigation system with a buily in fertilizer system for them..." We don't need that I have a yard irrigation system" alas it only covered 3/4 of the garden... 1/4 died last year.

Anyway I miss it... Getting up grabbing coffee, tending the garden then going over and sitting by the bee hive watching the girls do their thing. Maybe this year I will try to get back into it.
I usually have a garden but not this year but it wasn't for lack of trying. I've been at this place for 20 years and it was always safe to have things in the ground Apr 25th to May 1st. Not this year. We had a frost on May 10th and I was out of town. Killed everything. 64 pepper plants, 4 cucs, 6 tomatoes and a bunch of herbs.