Well, that’s it! All 8 CI Legends Reviews are in the bag!
It would appear that with the addition of the Don Pepin Garcia "Yellow Label" addition to the line, this thread needs to be resurrected!
This will be my first review. I'm not very good at picking out subtleties, but I have smoked many of Pepin's cigars, and his are my favorite. To me, his cigars all share a certain rich flavor....one I cannot really describe beyond that. It's just a well rounded, hearty flavor. Also, in my experience, most of his cigars are just a variation on a theme. Most are pretty strong in the nicotene department, some are spicier than others, and the body of most ranges from medium to damned full. But again, to my palate, they share a common "base" flavor, and it's one that I really enjoy. So my question coming into this is, "Will this thing really tase like a Pepin?" Let's see!
For some reason I can't get a good pic of a cigar, but here's one anyway:
I aquired the cigar in question, and two others in a trade. I recieved them Wednesday, and immediately packaged one up and sent it to jgholke for a real review.

My two went into my humi at 65%, and there this stick sat until tonight (Saturday).
My first impression was that the wrapper was lighter than what I'm used to seeing on his cigars. It's tan, with an almost greenish hue; smooth, with only a couple of slightly prominent, lengthwise veins. CI says its a corojo wrapper, but it looks like a heavier Cameroon. The veins don't look like they'll affect the burn in any way. It has a nicely done triple cap, and firmness feels just right for a cigar of this ring guage.
As with most parejos above a 48 ring guage, I punched this one. No issues there. Prelight draw was spot-on, with a solid tobacco flavor. Toasted the foot with my torch, and fired it up. With only slight adjustment, we're off to the races. The first couple of draws yielded a nice blast of nicotine and spice. Tastes familiar! The first 1/2" is more of the same.
After first 1/2”, the flavors begin to round out, the body increases and the peppery spice remains. It's stronger than I expected. Not terribly complex, but there's the hearty flavor I'm used to. It's putting out plenty of smoke, and burning slow and even. Toward the end of the first third, the spice is diminishing and the flavors are mellowing. Still stout, but creamier and smoother. Doing a full exhale through the nose made me flinch a little. Still not terribly complex, but still has the trademark Pepin flavor. I hesitate to say it because it has become cliche, but what the hell: I'd call it leathery. The ash is grayish white, with a nice concentric ring pattern. Only very slight flakiness. Unlike a Tat or 8/11, this one has a pretty short finish. Doesn’t make me want to shave my tongue like many of my favorites.
I knocked the ash off after about 1”. I'm smoking inside, and didn't want to risk dumping it in my lap. It really didn't want to come off, and the ash was quite dense.
Halfway in, the strength is increasing and picking up a bit of a charred flavor. I'm beginning to feel it in the back of my throat a little. I should note that I'm a pretty aggressive smoker, so any harshness is probably my fault. This doesn't bother me unless it's pretty extreme, which is not the case here. The spice makes a return shortly thereafter, too, but the flavor remains balanced and the smoke is plentiful and cool.
The strength continues to increase going into the last couple of inches, and the stick is smoking like a steam engine. It's taking on a very Tat like character--strong, assertive, and rich. It's becoming harsh, but again I attribute that to the way I smoke.
Another 1/2"gone and it has become a complete asskicker. I love it, but I'll wrap up the review here. I sat it over in the ashtray with about 1" to go.
As an admitted Pepin whore, I was apprehensive about this one. First, since opening the factory in Nicaragua, his production and product lines have increased rapidly. Surely he can't keep cranking out winners, right? So maybe this CI stick would be his first official dud, I thought. The CI Legends by Greycliff comes to mind here (blech). Also, I generally am not a fan of his cigars in bigger ring guages.
I'm happy to report that to my tastes, that's not the case here at all. This is an excellent smoke, and it simply tastes like a Pepin cigar. The big ring guage, in this case, did not diminish the flavor at all. Makes me want to try one in a corona or petite lancero.
My final word is that if you are a fan of DPG's cigars, this one will not disappoint. It's one helluva deal to boot, and I'll be buying a box of these when my budget catches back up to my desires! I look forward to reading jgohlke's (and others') take on this one.