I appreciate your concern for my pain, and I appreciate your suggestion for a supplement to help. Out of respect for your presentation of this option, I did some research as well. It appears that when ALA is used for nerve pain itās primarily for people with diabetic neuropathy, which I do not have.
Don't let all the info that comes to the top of search results dissuade you from looking at IV ALA. Yes, diabetics with neuropathy and pain are the ones who basically put ALA on the map. And when doing searches on it, the lion's share of results will be about diabetics... we have a lot of diabetics in this country, and that's what you'll see.
My friend I mentioned, who is actually now a few years older than you (he was 64 in 2019), is not now, and never been, diabetic. His pain and posturing was exactly as you describe. He used to come into our lounge with a cane and slightly crouched. And he could never stay for longer than 1 cigar. He also drank a lot to quell his chronic pain.
The screenshots I took of the supplement I take is just that, a preventative supplement to protect and keep my nerves sharp as I age. And I wouldn't bother with the hassle of buying and cost over the years if I didn't witness firsthand how the weekly high-dose IV ALA help him... starting in 2019 and continuing to this day.
He never ended up having surgery. He no longer walks with a cane. He now sometimes even closes the lounge down with us youngsters. He gets his treatment made at a compound pharmacy these days and his wife helps him do an IV once a week at home. Other than that, he goes to PT once a week and walks on a treadmill at home.
Not sure if you read the results from this link:
Recent findings on the antioxidant effects of pretreatment with Ī±-lipoic acid (Ī±-LA) on the crush injury of rat sciatic nerve confirm the possible usefulness of Ī±-LA administration in humans with peripheral nerve injuries. We discussed this issue in ...
It's not about diabetics, it specifically cites crushed nerve injury in lab rats:
Intraperitoneal alpha-lipoic acid to prevent neural damage after crush injury to the rat sciatic nerve..
I only bring this up again as I also got lost in all the diabetic results that came up when I first researched this. But seeing the results firsthand with a man who I saw at his worst, to seeing how he is now, made me a believer for sure. And for me personally, I've seen the changes in myself since starting supplementation with it.
But what I take is akin to taking a baby aspirin. The level my friend was at needed really high-dose intravenously-administered levels to help repair the nerve damage in his back.
Lastly, your personal animus toward me means nothing when I see my fellow man suffering. Maybe one day you'll realize a few posts on a cigar forum needn't cause you the stress it apparently does. I would also gladly quit the forum if I knew it would end your true suffering.
But since it wouldn't, I hope you'll still look a little more into therapeutic levels of ALA as part of your overall pain treatment plan. I've seen it change lives.