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Any ex-CF forum members still alive and kicking?


Still smokin' after all these years.
Aug 2, 2024
Just discovered my ancient hangout, the Cigar Family Forums, is no longer. Well, shucks.

OK, it's been quite a few years since last I posted on any forum (this one) under my original name, Glacierman. It's been so long, in fact, that this site, while telling me my name is in use, wasn't able to send me a link for a new password, so I just registered as a new guy and added the "007" to my handle.

So, anyone else from CF still around????
I didn't post there a lot, but I'm still around. Not sure why it folded, but I'm sure it was Craney's fault. JK!
I was a member but I doubt I posted a dozen times.t didn't like the vibe.
I was a member but I doubt I posted a dozen times.t didn't like the vibe.
The atmosphere had definitely degraded over time, which is why I left. It had gone from an open friendly place to a very cliquish, unfriendly one.
I was active from around 2005 - 2010ish, maybe a little longer. I did lots of trades, most notably with JG3 and Holan (can't remember his name on CF).
I joined in the waning days of 1999....or was it 1998? Well, at any rate, it was a hell of a long time ago. It was a great place to be then. So long ago, I don't remember many handles. Rollout (Bill Stewart) was one, though. Oh! and Pinot Noir, Patiobum and Mark Craney (who could forget him?). Good times were had back then, but time has moved on and what once was is no longer. I'm here (again) and glad of it.
Some of the remaining CF folks moved over to Facebook groups when the board went down, I’m sure a lot of the seasoned members are on private boards too. They don’t let me into private boards for some reason I just can’t understand, but they are out there.