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Another temp. question if I may?

I use a wine cooler as well. This one. It's a thermo-electric style, so no fluctuations in humidity. I use a pound of beads and sit right at 68/65% consistently. :thumbs:
NorCalCigarLover, do you have a model number on that wine cooler?

I know someone that works in that area at a local Snears and could get them to let me use the discount that they get.

Seems like this would/should take care or most of my issues, sounds like a plan if the price isn't too steep.


Forgot to ask. jcpyro what is the max temp on that unit?

Tempus Thales said:
NorCalCigarLover, do you have a model number on that wine cooler?

I know someone that works in that area at a local Snears and could get them to let me use the discount that they get.

Seems like this would/should take care or most of my issues, sounds like a plan if the price isn't too steep.


Forgot to ask. jcpyro what is the max temp on that unit?


I paid ~$140 for the unit, I'll get the model number tonight.

When i first set it up i left it on the max setting for about two days and it was reading about 73 degrees. Turned the knob down just a little and i was set. Of course here in AZ it has to run consistently to keep the temp down.
NorCalCigarLover, great I will check back and see if they have that model or something to replace it. THANKS !

jcpyro, wow that's high/warm for most of them. I will have to give that one some thought as well.

Options and more options I like that.

Thanks again !

Here it is .... Sears item #04614242000 Mfr. model #14242

Oh, and did I mention that I've already outgrown mine :whistling: . I'm hopeing to expand soon.

good luck!

NorCalCigarLover, thanks I will look into it tomorrow.

Oh yeah is the "calibration screw for the thermostat" something that is right out in the open or did you have to take something apart to get at it?

It took a little bit of investigation to find the calibration screw. In the back of the unit I removed the adjustment knob and then the cover plate. Hidden behind the plate, under the wiring was a small dallop of wax covering the set screw. Remove the wax and voila! there is the set screw.

What I did was, place my handy dandy wireless thermo-hygrometer in the unit, set the dial to the "normal" position and measured the temperature. I then cranked the set screw in one direction and noted which way the temperature went. Eventually I was able to locate the set screw position for a nominal temperature of 65 degrees.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: This thread is cracking me up.

Here's what I did. I purchased a 24 bottle wine cellar with an adjustable thermostat from Sears, adjusted the thermostat and placed about 1/2# of beads inside. Add cigars, hygrometer/thermometer, and cedar trays. Works great!

I found the calibration screw for the thermostat and adjusted the temperature to a bit higher range and figured I open it enough to not need a fan.

I don't keep my nice desktop humidor in the frig, I just maintain it separately in a display case.


Top ... for a few of the newbies who are asking.

DevilsMilk said:
........think you would need a plug regulator to help keep the temp a little higher. Im not sure if thats the right wording but what I mean is one of those controls that interface between the outlet and the fridge with a temp sensor that would go inside the fridge.

You can find what you're looking for ...........HERE!

This is a Johnson temperture controller thermostat that you can plug your refrig into and it will regulate the compressor to turn on and off at a much higher temp than what most refrig will maintain. I used one for about a year and it worked well. Had about a 3 to 4 degree swing.

Don't agree with the advice on adding computer fans for "cooling" purposes. The fans will move air but they will also generate heat. Next time you get a chance touch the back of a computer fan after its been running for a bit..... you'll see what I mean. Most people I know that have/are using the computer fans are doing so to move the air around in order to keep the humidity levels the same from top to bottom of the humidors.

Is this Johnson Control unit, pretty much plug and play?
Is it digital, so you can set the temp. to whatever you want?

Guys - I'm trying to find an alternative to buying a wine cooler. since all of my humis are in one room, I'm thinking of just buying an expensive window ac unit and keeping the door closed so just the room is being cooled. Does this sound like a viable option? Being that I've never used such a unit, I'm wondering if my electric bills will be excessive (even if I keep this to just one room with the door closed). Any thoughts or suggestions?
I assume you meant "inexpensive window unit" :)

It will work, your electric bill will go up some, it depends on your climate and insulation.

The biggest thing is the humidity, it will plummet. I would consider putting a humidifier in the room. You should be able to find a decent one on clearance about now as the humidifier season is over.

Alternatively you could buy an A/C that is way oversized for the space. It will cool the space faster than it can remove the humidity. This has problems too, think "sick building syndrome". Excess humidity leads to mold etc...
Damn, all these things to consider, and yeah, I meant inexpensive. ;)

After more consideration, I'm thinking about just getting an inexpensive frigerator or freezer chest and putting in a johnson controller. This would most likely be the easiest option for me.
I added a small "Blue Ice" box to my 200 count desktop humidor and it brought the temp from 77 degrees down to about 73 degrees. We keep the central A/C at 76-77 degrees, so I need to do something. Our electric bill would be extremely high if I ran it at 72 or lower.

One thing I am fortunate in doing is keeping the accordian hurricane shutters closed in the room I have my humidors. It's a guest bedroom on the side of the house, upstairs, so it's out of the way. Room stays dark most of the time and the humidity has been in the upper 60's to low 70's.