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Another noob pipe question


Active Member
Oct 12, 2006
Been wondering about something....

Why is it that aromatics are ok in pipes, yet frowned upon in cigars?

Seems that a flavored cigar is pretty much looked down upon (and with good reason in most cases), yet no one has issue with aromatic tobacco for a pipe.

Is there any reasoning behind it or shall I not question the laws of nature and light up another bowl? :)
I dont know, but back in the 1800s in England, all pipe tobacco had to be non flavored. You were not allowed to smoke aromatics. Personally I like my aromatic blends, have a few that are black cavendish based. I also like my British Rich mixture that I picked up at Iwan Ries & Co. With the recent success of Drew Estates Acid line maybe opinions on this are beggining to fade a little. I must admit, every once in a while I like to smoke a Blondie or Earthiness just for a change of pace.
I think pipe smokers are just a touch more tolerant (ducking and running).

While there are pipe smokers that wouldn't touch and aromatic to save their lives, what you most often hear on alt.smokers.pipes is "Smoke what you like, like what you smoke." Which I think is a pretty healthy attitude. ;)
Personally I'd rather not smoke as smoke a Typical Aromatic (a very select few of the High Blenders aromatics are ok) as they torch my tongue. But if you want to smoke 'em more power to ya. Least you got a pipe smolderin :)
But the real answer is in the differing personality types of typical cigar guys v/s typical pipeguys.
"But the real answer is in the differing personality types of typical cigar guys v/s typical pipeguys."

This is the question for the ages....I had a cigar guy call me a "sugger" 'cause I smoked pipes. I could only guess it meant "sucker" as in....well, you get it. It was all said in good fun and I laughed pretty hard!