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Another Man Cave


Ye Old Newbie
Apr 8, 2008
These are the pictures of my friend Tim's Man Cave. It was a collective effort of his friends, family, and work buddies that made this all happen...very quickly! My buddy Tim is a Detective in charge of security in our Brick Township school system...2 high schools, 4 middle schools, 6 grammar schools and a Primary Learning Center. It's a big job done very well by him and his staff...on top of chairing the local PAL with all of it's responsibilities of after school programs, rec sport leagues, fund raisers, etc. He sponsors a Poker Run with all the local PD coming together for a huge bike ride to raise money for the kids in town. I'm proud to call him a great friend.

I got Tim into cigars about 12 to 15 years ago when he would visit my house and I was always with a cigar in my hand. Over the years I would always give him bags of cigars to try with every new box I would buy...and over time, he slowly became one of us. The reason for the story is that Tim has embraced being a BOTL.....he Pays It Forward by giving cigars away to anyone that wants to try one, one of my best students!

We all want a place to smoke in the Fall & Winter and Tim was inspired by Tony Siragusa's show "Man Caves"...that and the fact that Siragusa hangs around our town because he has family here and is part owner of a bar (Tiffany's) in Toms River...the town next to us in Brick. He went for the gusto and decided on a separate building away from the house. His wife Tammy is a good sport, but like most of our wives, NO SMOKING IN THE HOUSE.
So, they shopped for pre-made storage sheds..and shopped...and shopped. Until they found an Amish built shed and had one delivered.

First, the area was stripped of grass and prepared for concrete with all the footing dug and steel mesh laid down. It took a whole truck of concrete to complete the foundation.


Then the company came and dropped the shed onto the slab, it's 22x14 with French doors....


The shell is really well made with a nice grade vinyl siding, upgraded windows, and doors with glass. Then the wiring started for the HD TV, DVD player, surround sound, lights, fans, and track lights. We started with a 75amp sub panel...


Then all the TV wiring...


..and other misc switches and such.


For smoke removal, we went with a Panasonic Whisper Fan remotely mounted on rubber bushings in the rafters and directly vented out the roof with a low profile vent.


We then ran the two flex tubes to a vent on each end of the room. When we tun the fan on high speed, you have to shut everything off and be quiet just to hear it...awesome system.



I won't bore you guys with pictures of insulating, sheet rocking and the finish work. I made window sills out of routed 5/4 vinyl exterior trim board and I trimmed the windows and doors out with vinyl molding. To supply heat and AC, a heat pump was installed on one end of the building...it works great in all seasons...it's controlled with a remote that's mounted by the door.


I cut in all the surround sound speakers, Tim bought a 5 channel receiver, DVD player and a powered sub woofer to go along with a 37" HDTV mounted on the wall behind the bar.


Continued on the next post....
Gary, that is f'ing great!!! I love it. Tell him to attach a port-a-potty
That looks fantastic, Gary!

What is he doing for heat/AC?


That looks fantastic, Gary!

What is he doing for heat/AC?


There's a heat pump Rob...the unit is mounted high on one wall...above that mirror thing! It's got a remote and has louvers that move up and down automatically to help dissipate the smoke up to the ceiling and out the fan vents...sweet setup.
Gary, that is f'ing great!!! I love it. Tell him to attach a port-a-potty
If you look closely at the layout Los, you can figure out where we take a wiz outside.... :whistling:

Plus...that's the one thing we can do in the house!
Great Googly Moogly! :thumbs:

I'm a longtime bachelor and smoke in my home office/library anytime I feel like it, but . . . I still have shed envy! That's one sweet setup! :love:

That is just awesome. I hope someday I will have a man cave half as nice as that. :thumbs:
That's an awesome setup. What are the dimensions of the shed? It looks very spacious from the interior shots.
That is very nice Gary! Nice of you to help him too. He sounds like a real decent, and deserving, human being.

I had started on my Garage, and will get back on it once I'm fully healed.

My 6 year old is funny, clearly stating that we have to have items in the man cave for him too.

The Amish are wonderful craftsmen. We have a large Mennonite population in my area, and like the Amish who sprung from

them, their work is top notch. Buying one of their sheds is a no brainer, as I will need one for all the lawn equipment

that is being displace from the garage. Hope you guys christen the place right, and have a load of fun in there.
Gary, that is f'ing great!!! I love it. Tell him to attach a port-a-potty
If you look closely at the layout Los, you can figure out where we take a wiz outside....

Plus...that's the one thing we can do in the house!

Is that why the back fence is a different color than the rest?

Very cool man cave your friend Tim has now, thanks to all your hard work. I like the idea of splitting the vent to catch both sides of the shed.
Nice work gentlemem. I believe you boys got yourself a clubhouse. Enjoy !!

Joe G
Man cave!? Are you kidding me? I could live there! Whats Tim's garage look like, a freakin' mansion? :p

Tim sounds like a great guy who totally deserves this (no so humble!) abode. Incredible job!