Anniversary Contest

The 13 run pool, is keeping track of this. He's killing 2 birds with one stone.............really smart for a Cardinals fan.
The 13 run pool, is keeping track of this. He's killing 2 birds with one stone.............really smart for a Cardinals fan.

I'm personally offended. Not really after considering the Cubs fan source. LOL
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I don't actually know wtf this "13 run pool" is but wth, it's a contest! :D

So . . . June 1st, 6:37 PM CDT. I guess.



1) Pick the date and time the first team wins the 13 Run Pool by getting all 14 scores filled. Please standardize on CDT.

2) Post your guesses in this thread, one per member.

3) Closest guess wins a nice package of cigars and maybe a few other things.

4) Entries will be accepted until 23:59 CDT on March 31, 2017

Not trying to be a difficult contest official, but, your entry was late. Unless there is an overwhelming outpouring of support in your favour by others in the contest, I shall have to say sorry you are late.

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He's late by an entire week. A day I could handle, but a week is just a little too much.
