Anejo 48


Corresponding authority
Jun 18, 2003
I smoked one of these tonight, it was part of my lotto winnings as I've never had one of these before.

An Anejo 48 is a Double Corona size so I sat down and smoked it while I watched tonight's episode of "Desperate Housewives" :D

Construction of this tasty maduro was darn near perfect and the draw was the typical Anejo/Opus nice firm, Havana style draw.

This cigar burned beautifully but about one third of the way through it seemed to plug up ???

I inserted my trusty drywall screw into the unlit end and pulled out a few crumbs of tobacco leaf (almost too much) which loosened the draw up to what it should be.

The taste was not quite as good as the Anejo 77 Sharks I've been smoking lately but it was still a pretty nice smoke.

I have a chance to trade for ten more so I will take this guy up on his offer :thumbs:

On the cA scale:


coventrycat86 said:
I have a chance to trade for ten more so I will take this guy up on his offer :thumbs:

pffft! who the hell could blame ya?! :)
I think you mean the No.49, CC... the No.48 is a churchill-sized cigar -- great smokes tho, I agree.
moki said:
I think you mean the No.49, CC... the No.48 is a churchill-sized cigar -- great smokes tho, I agree.

:0 :0 :0 :0

YIKES!!!! See what happend when a guy who has little clue with Anejos tries to write a review? :laugh:

Dang it, now that ya mention it, I can't remember if this was a churchill size or the DC size. Since it's now just a pile of ashes, I can't measure it :laugh: :laugh:

Okay, I just got to the bottom of this, it was indeed a #49 (thankfully the sender posted exactly what it was).

I feel stooopid :( :( :(
coventrycat86 said:
I feel stooopid :( :( :(

psst! CC, shhh! next time just blame it on the buzz that that monster of an anejo gave you!
under the influence of the cognac fumes that permeated through the leaves, or whatever! :p
Hmm, are you turning your back on the Darkside Bill? Or is this just a quick jaunt across party lines before reverting back? :sign:
Kento said:
Hmm, are you turning your back on the Darkside Bill? Or is this just a quick jaunt across party lines before reverting back? :sign:

I think he's open-minded enough to have realized that there is no "line" -- just smokes you like, and smokes you don't.
Aye, that was my badly-made point. I should have acted less precocious, and chose my words better. :)
Kento said:
Aye, that was my badly-made point. I should have acted less precocious, and chose my words better. :)


Actually I thought it was a goodly-made crack (LMAO "goodly" how's THAT for a new word :laugh: )

I tend not to cross the party lines :D very often Kent, I'm pretty much a "party lever " kinda guy :)
coventrycat86 said:

Actually I thought it was a goodly-made crack (LMAO "goodly" how's THAT for a new word :laugh: )

I tend not to cross the party lines :D very often Kent, I'm pretty much a "party lever " kinda guy :)

heh... alright, I take the compliment back then ;)
I have a chance to trade for ten more so I will take this guy up on his offer

Well, if it's 48s you want, you can ship that pack of 49s over here.

<blatant mooch - had to be done>

Great review, now I have a new Anejo to just after and search for. Damn you!
(You little prying Pandora, you little demon)


Well made?

Oh, come on. Somebody had to do it. <grin>
49's are delish......matter of fact, I just took one from your pass..... :whistling: :laugh:
I smoked my first #49 the other day. :thumbs:
Fine construction and perfect draw.
The first taste as I lit the cigar was good. I tasted citrus flavor with a nice peppery tinge
I usually don't taste anything but the tobacco flavor so this was a first for me.
Even burn from the start The cigar was smooth with a complex taste.
I forgot that the Anejo was such a strong cigar. I had to sit for 30 min or so after I was done :D
This one kicked my butt. :laugh:

one of the better cigars I have had
I will try to get more
