This artical seems to suport my opinion that a black ash is not a great thing as I mentioned in a prior thread. This is what i mean't when I said there are cigar experts on both sides of this. One says a cigars ash color doesn't matter the other say it does. Its been my experience that when I have a black ash occur (not all the time but many) The burn quality or combustion, as well as flavor is deminished somewhat. Again this is just my opinion.
I hazard you meant to write cigar "experts." Aside from one fellow who actually did some work to study cigar ash formation (not me), all everyone does is parrot what they read most or most recently. Fact of the matter is that the ash color is the result of a variable, incomplete combustion process and the conditions of smoking, and not just the materials, can vary the superficial color.
Additionally, the ash color you see is the color of the wrapper and binder leaves, primarily. When you tap off the ash, the interior is usually several different shades and what is more important than the color of the "outside" of the ash is the nature of the ash and ash cone on the interior. Want to noodle about the relationship between ash color/shape/texture and smoking performance? Pay more attention to the interior and forget about the color of the ash "skin."
Hey Wilkey, I certainly am not parroting what the cigar experts say although I have pointed out that there are 2 diferent camps regarding this issue and what my experience was with black ashes with my own cigars which were maintained in proper conditions prior to smoking. When I say a black ash that means a black ash through and through. I am totaly aware of the layers within a cigar and sometimes they exhibit multi ash shades from the different tobaccos in the blend. I'm not talking about the wrapper ash. The entire ash. I fully agree that there are many variables involved such as a over humidified cigar which could result in a black ash due to the lack of combustion. I need to clarify that I am talking about tobacco that is inferior due to improper soil prep not the other variables that could produce a black ash as well.
Due you have an opinion on cigars you have smoked with an all black ash? Also that were stored and smoked in a condusive envirnment.
I apologize for not being sufficiently clear. I certainly wasn't referring to you in the "parroting" remark and I didn't mean to offend. You have always brought your own experiences to the table in any discussion you've engaged in and I appreciate that.
I realize my comment came across as dismissive overall but I really don't hold any disdain for those who claim white ash means this and black ash means that (magnesium level, for instance). It's just that this subject is one of those "folklore" subjects in cigars that is lacking in critical and/or empirical understanding. In other words, folks tend to adopt one side or the other based on any one of a number of reasons aside from a preponderance of good evidence...necessarily because there is no such evidence of which I'm aware.
Do I have an opinion? No. Because I haven't always recorded detailed ash information for the cigars I've smoked. Honestly I cannot proffer an educated or experience-substantiated observation and so I hesitate to take one position or another.
The world has many interesting phenomena and many worthy of observation and study. So many so, that we have to pick and choose what we engage. I'm afraid this is one that's low on my list.
This artical seems to suport my opinion that a black ash is not a great thing as I mentioned in a prior thread. This is what i mean't when I said there are cigar experts on both sides of this. One says a cigars ash color doesn't matter the other say it does. Its been my experience that when I have a black ash occur (not all the time but many) The burn quality or combustion, as well as flavor is deminished somewhat. Again this is just my opinion.
I hazard you meant to write cigar "experts."
That's what he did write ??? I guess your brain reacts sometimes without seeing
Wow. What precipitated this jab? ??? Nice sarcastic use of the

In fact I consider carefully everything I write. Has my record suggested anything to the contrary?
Now how about
you take a closer look at what
I wrote? Notice the double quotes around the word "expert?" Let me be explicit. I did so to emphasize the connotation of experts in the specific sense of "self-appointed" experts.