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An update on my life.


Got Ink ?
Mar 17, 2007
Well, as most of you know, the end of March, first of April had to be the toughest 3 week stretch my wife and I have ever faced. With what you guys have done for me, I think you deserve to hear how we're doing now. As you already know, I got a job the first day the bombs started coming in. On Tuesday the next week, I had an unemployement telephone hearing with a magistrate. A week later, I found out that I won the appeal and got around $4600 in back pay. Then the shock of a lifetime came when I got the nice check from jfields from the "fund raiser" that was held. Two weeks after that, I got my bonus from my previous employer which I wasn't supposed to be eligible for. Then the bank dropped my mortgage rate down to 4.5 %. So needless to say from around the 8th of April, my families life started turning around. Now, just yesterday, I had my second interview with an up and coming German car parts maufacturer that went extremely well. I've been working a lot of OT to fill the coffers back up and it's pretty much kept me from here.
 My son Steven is doing much better. He sees a psychologist once a week and a psychiatrist once a month. No more suicide talk which is the greatest thing for me as a Father. He's really working what the Psychologist is helping and teaching him.
Once again, I want to thank each and every one of you that had a part in the auctions and the bomb runs, those both were definitely spirit lifters. Life has been good to Julie, Steven, and I over the last four weeks and we continue to hope that it continues to be good for us!  
Thanks to all of you! You don't know how much you guys really helped my family last month.
Good news indeed, sounds like the worm has turned.....great to be looking forward.  Sorry I wasn't around here earlier.
Great news!  Good going, brother.  Happy to see that things are getting better.
Glad to hear things are going in the correct direction.
Glad to hear Brian! Good things come to those that deserve it.
Great news to hear #2. I hope things keep looking up for you guys.
That's great news, Brian! Best of luck with the other job opportunity!

Have a great long weekend!