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An Informal Poll-- How long do you let your cigars rest?


New Member
Mar 6, 2010
Hey guys,

I am enjoying this place, my new cigar home away from the humidor....... I was just wondering how long do you let your cigars rest after you bring them home from the local B&M? I usually wait a couple of days... I was figuring it always depends on how they store their cigars....

Thanks for all the information!!!

I try to wait at least a week, but sometimes I just can't make it that long!
Hey, where's the actualy poll!?!? :angry:

Kidding, I let them rest anywhere from 2 weeks to a month so they acclimated to the humidity in my humidor. Sometimes if I am going to smoke it right then and there, I obviously won't wait.... :p
I just start smoking. I can't wait. The only aging comes when I have too many cigars and not enough time to smoke them.
A week is probably my minimum.
2 weeks is probably about right.

I often smoke one OTT, then let
the others rest. Sometimes this
doesn't pay off, sometimes OTT is OK.

My preference on my smokes is usually based on what the B&Ms humidor looks like at the time. If the humidity and temp are close to what I like in my own humidor and I already know what to expect from the sticks I am purchasing I will smoke the new stuff within the first few days with no problem. If things are completely different than what I like I will let the smokes acclimate to my liking for no less than 2 weeks give/take a few days. I have been smoking cigars for the past year this way even with just a 20ct humidor and it has been treating me well thus far. Only time will tell if I change my ways after I get my new 100ct seasoned and stocked and also eventually set up a coolerdor. Just my 2cents worth.

The only time I let cigars I get from a B&M rest is for new releases. Sometimes, not even then.
The only time I let cigars I get from a B&M rest is for new releases. Sometimes, not even then.

It's the opposite for my B&M. They over-humidify enough to rob the cigars of flavor. So the only time I smoke from there right away is when it IS a new release as it hasn't had time to get soggy yet.

With NC box purchases, I usually smoke one OTT and stick the rest away for a couple weeks unless the OTT one was bang on. Then it's fire at will! :D

With CC box purchases it varies depending on age, condition, etc.

Local B&M, I smoke right away. If it's an online purchase though, I aim for two weeks, and 9 out of 10 times I get there. ;)
An internet CC purchase I'll let rest for a month to stabilize.
An internet NC purchase I'll smoke one usually right away and then wait about 2 weeks for another.
My B & M keep their humidity so high, if i smoke them too soon it's like trying to smoke poundcake so they get a few days out of the humi to dry out and then get torched.
An internet CC purchase I'll let rest for a month to stabilize.
An internet NC purchase I'll smoke one usually right away and then wait about 2 weeks for another.
My B & M keep their humidity so high, if i smoke them too soon it's like trying to smoke poundcake so they get a few days out of the humi to dry out and then get torched.
You and I have a similar take and problem with our B&M. I was appalled at how much mold was on the cigars. All the Tats, illusiones, , Pepin Blue and Blacks, and, to my horror, OR Padilla Miami 8/11s of all sizes. Damn shame.
Anything purchased and shipped via mail would be put down to acclimated for 30 days minimum.

Anything that is purchased by me at my local B&M is put in the humidor for at least a week, or two (depending on how they fell), unless I am buying one to smoke at the B&M.
I give mine at least a month after the trip across the pond, unless the cigars had some sort of humidification coming over. Even then I like to give them a week or two to get used to the 65-68% in my humidor..
No set time for me, I smoke them as soon as I want. Many times I've walk into a tobacconist, made a purchase and lit up.
The Surgeon General recommends at least 6-8 hours a night.

I smoke them when they feel right......no set time
