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Am I ready for this? Your opinion is invited.

Neuromancer said:
I know the story...stumbled upon it on the other cigar forum...lol...was just wistfully thinking that you guys could flame me too and then bomb me afterwards...heh :whistling:

Yes, it's a wonderful thing, Marc. As a wise man once said, I've never felt so accepted in all my life. These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined. :rolleyes:
Exellent read here. I too was a bit sketchy on the why part of doing a pass, now I get it. Hopefully after a few more months of accumulating a decent stock of passable smokes I will be ready to take part if any one will have me.

Also great insite on CI's Brown Bag sampler, I've always wondered about that. Next order I'll be giving that a try.
SabresFan said:
Exellent read here.  I too was a bit sketchy on the why part of doing a pass, now I get it.  Hopefully after a few more months of accumulating a decent stock of passable smokes I will be ready to take part if any one will have me.

Also great insite on CI's Brown Bag sampler, I've always wondered about that.  Next order I'll be giving that a try.

Have you checked out the newbie sampler thread? I'd be willing to bet that there's some good deals to be had there although I have not yet taken advantage myself.
Have you checked out the newbie sampler thread? I'd be willing to bet that there's some good deals to be had there although I have not yet taken advantage myself.

Not yet, but I am considering it.
Newbie trade is the way to go,

I was talking to Member No.: 2084 who joined 19-August 05
From: Houston, TX.

Thanks for adding this Master. I've had this happen on a couple of occasions, once here and twice on CigarWeekly. I pull a "Cuban" :rolleyes: cigar out of a pass that "looks" good only to fire it up and realize it tastes like crap and it's indeed a fake.

I then PM the person and say "Uh that cigar you put in the pass was a fake. Can you tell me where you got it so I can avoid that "source" in the future?" Only to have these jerks say "Duh, I pulled it out of a pass so I have no idea where it originally came from." or simply "I can't remember where I got it."


CC, that brings up another great issue:

If you are not 100% sure of your ability to identify a fake, don't buy it, trade it, put it into or take it out of a pass, or in anyway assume it is, or pass it off as, a bona fide Havana.

It's never worth the hard feelings, resentment, embarrasssment, anger, wasted money, tarnished reputation etc., to dabble in a product that is so widely misunderstood and counterfeited, even if it is unintentional.

Don't put yourself or anyone else in a position to question the authenticity of cigars, or other goods, in which you are trading. While it is inexcusable for someone to knowingly proliferate fakes, there is also a "caveat emptor" component because there is not much recourse for the wronged party.

Protect yourself, protect your brothers/sisters.