Long story. I'm pretty sure I'd call BS if someone told me this story but it is 100% true.
I was married to a woman from Danbury Ct. and her brother (Richie) was a member of a "VERY" exclusive country club called "The Ridgewood". We were going up for Thanksgiving and he called me to tell me that my son and I should bring our clubs, it was going to be warm.
Thanksgiving morning he called and asked if we wanted to go play and we said "absolutely". He asked me who we could get for a fourth and I suggested a skiing buddy of our, Marty. Marty is a tall, good looking guy who was a captain for Continental. Great guy, but definately NOT country club material. He talked just like Andrew Dice Clay. Richie felt it would be okay because not many people would be there, it was 60 degrees.
When we got there we were shocked to see the parking lot full of Bentleys, Jags, Mercedes, ect., they were having a Thanskgiving day brunch. Marty showed up in a beat up old Toyota pick-up truck.
We played the front nine without incident but when we got to the par 3 tenth hole things changed. In the below picture you can see the #10 island green. Marty was the last to tee off and he shanked a 5 iron straight into the parking lot filled with $100K cars. There was a loud bang and we all cringed! Then we hear a faint tinkling sound getting closer. After a few seconds a hub-cap rolls out of the parking lot, under a hedgerow, and onto the tee right in front of all of us. We were laughing so hard I was crying! Then ..... Marty goes "Hey! That's my fucking hub-cap"
He it his own truck in the middle of 30 or 40 $100K cars.